
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <bitset>

#include "src/base/small-vector.h"
#include "src/base/strings.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-flags.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-nodes.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

class DynamicBitSet;
class Isolate;

regexp_compiler_constants  // namespace regexp_compiler_constants

inline bool NeedsUnicodeCaseEquivalents(RegExpFlags flags) {}

// Details of a quick mask-compare check that can look ahead in the
// input stream.
class QuickCheckDetails {};

// Improve the speed that we scan for an initial point where a non-anchored
// regexp can match by using a Boyer-Moore-like table. This is done by
// identifying non-greedy non-capturing loops in the nodes that eat any
// character one at a time.  For example in the middle of the regexp
// /foo[\s\S]*?bar/ we find such a loop.  There is also such a loop implicitly
// inserted at the start of any non-anchored regexp.
// When we have found such a loop we look ahead in the nodes to find the set of
// characters that can come at given distances. For example for the regexp
// /.?foo/ we know that there are at least 3 characters ahead of us, and the
// sets of characters that can occur are [any, [f, o], [o]]. We find a range in
// the lookahead info where the set of characters is reasonably constrained. In
// our example this is from index 1 to 2 (0 is not constrained). We can now
// look 3 characters ahead and if we don't find one of [f, o] (the union of
// [f, o] and [o]) then we can skip forwards by the range size (in this case 2).
// For Unicode input strings we do the same, but modulo 128.
// We also look at the first string fed to the regexp and use that to get a hint
// of the character frequencies in the inputs. This affects the assessment of
// whether the set of characters is 'reasonably constrained'.
// We also have another lookahead mechanism (called quick check in the code),
// which uses a wide load of multiple characters followed by a mask and compare
// to determine whether a match is possible at this point.
enum ContainedInLattice {};

inline ContainedInLattice Combine(ContainedInLattice a, ContainedInLattice b) {}

class BoyerMoorePositionInfo : public ZoneObject {};

class BoyerMooreLookahead : public ZoneObject {};

// There are many ways to generate code for a node.  This class encapsulates
// the current way we should be generating.  In other words it encapsulates
// the current state of the code generator.  The effect of this is that we
// generate code for paths that the matcher can take through the regular
// expression.  A given node in the regexp can be code-generated several times
// as it can be part of several traces.  For example for the regexp:
// /foo(bar|ip)baz/ the code to match baz will be generated twice, once as part
// of the foo-bar-baz trace and once as part of the foo-ip-baz trace.  The code
// to match foo is generated only once (the traces have a common prefix).  The
// code to store the capture is deferred and generated (twice) after the places
// where baz has been matched.
class Trace {};

class GreedyLoopState {};

struct PreloadState {};

// Analysis performs assertion propagation and computes eats_at_least_ values.
// See the comments on AssertionPropagator and EatsAtLeastPropagator for more
// details.
RegExpError AnalyzeRegExp(Isolate* isolate, bool is_one_byte, RegExpFlags flags,
                          RegExpNode* node);

class FrequencyCollator {};

class RegExpCompiler {};

// Categorizes character ranges into BMP, non-BMP, lead, and trail surrogates.
class UnicodeRangeSplitter {};

// We need to check for the following characters: 0x39C 0x3BC 0x178.
// TODO(jgruber): Move to CharacterRange.
bool RangeContainsLatin1Equivalents(CharacterRange range);

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8