
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/regexp/regexp-utils.h"

#include "src/execution/isolate.h"
#include "src/execution/protectors-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/factory.h"
#include "src/objects/js-regexp-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// static
Handle<String> RegExpUtils::GenericCaptureGetter(
    Isolate* isolate, DirectHandle<RegExpMatchInfo> match_info, int capture,
    bool* ok) {}

// static
bool RegExpUtils::IsMatchedCapture(Tagged<RegExpMatchInfo> match_info,
                                   int capture) {}

namespace {

V8_INLINE bool HasInitialRegExpMap(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<JSReceiver> recv) {}

}  // namespace

MaybeHandle<Object> RegExpUtils::SetLastIndex(Isolate* isolate,
                                              Handle<JSReceiver> recv,
                                              uint64_t value) {}

MaybeHandle<Object> RegExpUtils::GetLastIndex(Isolate* isolate,
                                              Handle<JSReceiver> recv) {}

// ES#sec-regexpexec Runtime Semantics: RegExpExec ( R, S )
// Also takes an optional exec method in case our caller
// has already fetched exec.
MaybeHandle<Object> RegExpUtils::RegExpExec(Isolate* isolate,
                                            Handle<JSReceiver> regexp,
                                            Handle<String> string,
                                            Handle<Object> exec) {}

bool RegExpUtils::IsUnmodifiedRegExp(Isolate* isolate,
                                     DirectHandle<Object> obj) {}

uint64_t RegExpUtils::AdvanceStringIndex(DirectHandle<String> string,
                                         uint64_t index, bool unicode) {}

MaybeHandle<Object> RegExpUtils::SetAdvancedStringIndex(
    Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> regexp, DirectHandle<String> string,
    bool unicode) {}

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8