<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Input Event typing tests</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-actions.js"></script>
<div id="rich" contenteditable></div>
<textarea id="plain"></textarea>
let inputEventsLog = [];
const rich = document.getElementById('rich');
const plain = document.getElementById('plain');
function log(event) {
const clone = new event.constructor(event.type, event);
clone.state = rich.innerHTML;
function resetRich() {
inputEventsLog = [];
rich.innerHTML = '';
rich.addEventListener('beforeinput', log);
rich.addEventListener('input', log);
promise_test(async function() {
const message = 'Hello';
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, message);
// 10 events (5 beforeinput + 5 input events)
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 10);
for (let i = 0; i < inputEventsLog.length; i += 2) {
const beforeInputEvent = inputEventsLog[i];
const inputEvent = inputEventsLog[i + 1];
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, 'insertText');
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, 'insertText');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
assert_equals(inputEvent.data, message[i / 2]);
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.state + message[i / 2], inputEvent.state);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on text typing');
promise_test(async function() {
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE006"); // Return
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 2);
const beforeInputEvent = inputEventsLog[0];
const inputEvent = inputEventsLog[1];
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, 'insertParagraph');
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, 'insertParagraph');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing RETURN');
promise_test(async function() {
await new test_driver.Actions()
.keyDown('\uE008') // Shift
.keyDown('\uE006') // Return
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 2);
const [beforeInputEvent, inputEvent] = inputEventsLog;
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, 'insertLineBreak');
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, 'insertLineBreak');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing Shift+RETURN');
promise_test(async function() {
rich.innerHTML = '<p>Preexisting <i id="caret">c</i>ontent</p>';
const caret = document.querySelector('#caret');
await test_driver.click(caret);
await test_driver.send_keys(caret, "\uE017"); // Delete
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 2);
const [beforeInputEvent, inputEvent] = inputEventsLog;
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentForward');
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentForward');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing DELETE with pre-existing content');
promise_test(async function() {
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE017"); // Delete
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 2);
const [beforeInputEvent, inputEvent] = inputEventsLog;
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentForward');
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentForward');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing DELETE with no pre-existing content');
promise_test(async function() {
rich.innerHTML = '<p>Preexisting <i id="caret">c</i>ontent</p>';
await test_driver.click(document.querySelector('#caret'));
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE003"); // Back Space
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 2);
const [beforeInputEvent, inputEvent] = inputEventsLog;
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentBackward');
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentBackward');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing BACK_SPACE with pre-existing content');
promise_test(async function () {
rich.innerHTML = '<p>Preexisting <i id="caret">C</i>ontent</p>';
const expectedResult = [
// Pressing 'a', 'b'
// Delete twice
// Pressing 'c', 'd'
// Backspace
const result = [];
rich.addEventListener("input", (inputEvent) => {
await test_driver.click(document.querySelector('#caret')); // Preexisting |Content
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "a"); // Preexisting a|Content
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "b"); // Preexisting ab|Content
// Delete
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE017"); // Preexisting ab|ontent
// Delete
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE017"); // Preexisting ab|ntent
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "c"); // Preexisting abc|ntent
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "d"); // Preexisting abcd|ntent
// Backspace
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE003"); // Preexisting abc|ntent
assert_equals(result.length, expectedResult.length);
expectedResult.forEach((er, index) => assert_equals(result[index], er));
}, 'Input events have correct inputType updated when different inputs are typed');
promise_test(async function () {
rich.innerHTML = '<p>Preexisting <i id="caret">c</i>ontent</p>';
const expectedResult = [
// Remove selected text with Backspace
// Remove selected text with Delete
const result = [];
rich.addEventListener("input", (inputEvent) => {
const modifierKey = navigator.platform === "MacIntel" ? '\u2318' : '\uE009';
// Click before "content"
await test_driver.click(document.querySelector('#caret')); // Preexisting |content
// Select text to the left
await new test_driver.Actions()
.keyDown('\uE008') // Shift
.keyDown('\uE012') // Arrow Left
.send(); // |Preexisting ^content
// Backspace
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE003"); // |content
// Select text to the right
await new test_driver.Actions()
.keyDown('\uE008') // Shift
.keyDown('\uE014') // Arrow Right
.send(); // ^content|
// Delete
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE017"); // |
assert_equals(result.length, expectedResult.length);
expectedResult.forEach((er, index) => assert_equals(result[index], er));
}, 'Input events have correct inputType when selected text is removed with Backspace or Delete');
promise_test(async function() {
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "\uE003"); // Back Space
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 2);
const [beforeInputEvent, inputEvent] = inputEventsLog;
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentBackward');
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, 'deleteContentBackward');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing BACK_SPACE with no pre-existing content');
promise_test(async function() {
await test_driver.send_keys(rich, "hello");
// Decide whether to use Key.COMMAND (mac) or Key.CONTROL (everything else)
const modifierKey = navigator.platform === "MacIntel" ? '\u2318' : '\uE009';
// Undo
await new test_driver.Actions()
// Redo
await new test_driver.Actions()
.keyDown('\uE008') // Shift
// Ignore the initial typing of 'hello'
const historyInputEventsLog = inputEventsLog.slice(10);
assert_equals(historyInputEventsLog.length, 4);
const inputTypes = ['historyUndo', 'historyRedo'];
for (let i = 0; i < historyInputEventsLog.length; i += 2) {
// We are increaisng i by 2 as there should always be matching beforeinput and input events.
const beforeInputEvent = historyInputEventsLog[i];
const inputEvent = historyInputEventsLog[i + 1];
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, inputTypes[i / 2]);
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, inputTypes[i / 2]);
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing Undo and Redo key combinations with an existing history');
promise_test(async function() {
// Decide whether to use Key.COMMAND (mac) or Key.CONTROL (everything else)
const modifierKey = navigator.platform === "MacIntel" ? '\u2318' : '\uE009';
// Undo
await new test_driver.Actions()
// Redo
await new test_driver.Actions()
.keyDown('\uE008') // Shift
assert_equals(inputEventsLog.length, 4);
const inputTypes = ['historyUndo', 'historyRedo'];
for (let i = 0; i < inputEventsLog.length; i += 2) {
const beforeInputEvent = inputEventsLog[i];
const inputEvent = inputEventsLog[i + 1];
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.type, 'beforeinput');
assert_equals(inputEvent.type, 'input');
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.inputType, inputTypes[i / 2]);
assert_equals(inputEvent.inputType, inputTypes[i / 2]);
assert_equals(beforeInputEvent.data, inputEvent.data);
}, 'It triggers beforeinput and input events on typing Undo and Redo key combinations without an existing history');
promise_test(async function() {
const expectedResult = [
// Pressing 'a'.
// Pressing Shift-'b'.
// Pressing 'c'.
// Pressing Shift-'d'.
const result = [];
for (const eventType of ['beforeinput', 'input', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup']) {
const listener = event => {
if (event.key === 'Shift') return;
const eventInfo = [event.target.id, event.type, event.data || event.key];
if (event instanceof InputEvent) eventInfo.push(String(event.dataTransfer));
rich.addEventListener(eventType, listener);
plain.addEventListener(eventType, listener);
await new test_driver.Actions()
.keyDown('\uE008') // Shift
await new test_driver.Actions()
.keyDown('\uE008') // Shift
assert_equals(result.length, expectedResult.length);
expectedResult.forEach((er, index) => assert_equals(result[index], er));
}, 'InputEvents have correct data/order when typing on textarea and contenteditable');