
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#error This header should only be included if WebAssembly is enabled.


#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>

#include "include/v8-metrics.h"
#include "src/base/platform/time.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/tasks/cancelable-task.h"
#include "src/wasm/compilation-environment.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-features.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-import-wrapper-cache.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"

namespace v8 {

namespace base {
template <typename T>
class Vector;
}  // namespace base

namespace internal {

class JSArrayBuffer;
class JSPromise;
class Counters;
class WasmModuleObject;
class WasmInstanceObject;
class WasmTrustedInstanceData;

namespace wasm {

struct CompilationEnv;
class CompilationResultResolver;
class ErrorThrower;
class ModuleCompiler;
class NativeModule;
class ProfileInformation;
class StreamingDecoder;
class WasmCode;
struct WasmModule;

std::shared_ptr<NativeModule> CompileToNativeModule(
    Isolate* isolate, WasmEnabledFeatures enabled_features,
    CompileTimeImports compile_imports, ErrorThrower* thrower,
    std::shared_ptr<const WasmModule> module, ModuleWireBytes wire_bytes,
    int compilation_id, v8::metrics::Recorder::ContextId context_id,
    ProfileInformation* pgo_info);

void CompileJsToWasmWrappers(Isolate* isolate, const WasmModule* module);

V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WasmError ValidateAndSetBuiltinImports(
    const WasmModule* module, base::Vector<const uint8_t> wire_bytes,
    const CompileTimeImports& imports);

// Compiles the wrapper for this (kind, sig) pair and sets the corresponding
// cache entry. Assumes the key already exists in the cache but has not been
// compiled yet.
WasmCode* CompileImportWrapperForTest(NativeModule* native_module,
                                      Counters* counters, ImportCallKind kind,
                                      const FunctionSig* sig,
                                      uint32_t canonical_type_index,
                                      int expected_arity, Suspend suspend);

// Triggered by the WasmCompileLazy builtin. The return value indicates whether
// compilation was successful. Lazy compilation can fail only if validation is
// also lazy.
bool CompileLazy(Isolate*, Tagged<WasmTrustedInstanceData>, int func_index);

// Throws the compilation error after failed lazy compilation.
void ThrowLazyCompilationError(Isolate* isolate,
                               const NativeModule* native_module,
                               int func_index);

// Trigger tier-up of a particular function to TurboFan. If tier-up was already
// triggered, we instead increase the priority with exponential back-off.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void TriggerTierUp(Isolate*, Tagged<WasmTrustedInstanceData>,
                                     int func_index);
// Synchronous version of the above.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void TierUpNowForTesting(Isolate*,
                                           int func_index);
// Same, but all functions.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void TierUpAllForTesting(Isolate*,

// Encapsulates all the state and steps of an asynchronous compilation.
// An asynchronous compile job consists of a number of tasks that are executed
// as foreground and background tasks. Any phase that touches the V8 heap or
// allocates on the V8 heap (e.g. creating the module object) must be a
// foreground task. All other tasks (e.g. decoding and validating, the majority
// of the work of compilation) can be background tasks.
// TODO(wasm): factor out common parts of this with the synchronous pipeline.
class AsyncCompileJob {};

}  // namespace wasm
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8