
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/wasm/wasm-subtyping.h"

#include "src/wasm/canonical-types.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"

namespace v8::internal::wasm {

namespace {

V8_INLINE bool EquivalentIndices(uint32_t index1, uint32_t index2,
                                 const WasmModule* module1,
                                 const WasmModule* module2) {}

bool ValidStructSubtypeDefinition(uint32_t subtype_index,
                                  uint32_t supertype_index,
                                  const WasmModule* sub_module,
                                  const WasmModule* super_module) {}

bool ValidArraySubtypeDefinition(uint32_t subtype_index,
                                 uint32_t supertype_index,
                                 const WasmModule* sub_module,
                                 const WasmModule* super_module) {}

bool ValidFunctionSubtypeDefinition(uint32_t subtype_index,
                                    uint32_t supertype_index,
                                    const WasmModule* sub_module,
                                    const WasmModule* super_module) {}

HeapType::Representation NullSentinelImpl(HeapType type,
                                          const WasmModule* module) {}

bool IsNullSentinel(HeapType type) {}

}  // namespace

bool ValidSubtypeDefinition(uint32_t subtype_index, uint32_t supertype_index,
                            const WasmModule* sub_module,
                            const WasmModule* super_module) {}

namespace {
bool IsShared(HeapType type, const WasmModule* module) {}

HeapType::Representation MaybeShared(HeapType::Representation base,
                                     bool shared) {}
}  // namespace

V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool IsShared(ValueType type, const WasmModule* module) {}

    ValueType subtype, ValueType supertype, const WasmModule* sub_module,
    const WasmModule* super_module) {}

    HeapType sub_heap, HeapType super_heap, const WasmModule* sub_module,
    const WasmModule* super_module) {}

V8_NOINLINE bool EquivalentTypes(ValueType type1, ValueType type2,
                                 const WasmModule* module1,
                                 const WasmModule* module2) {}

namespace {
// Returns the least common ancestor of two type indices, as a type index in
// {module1}.
HeapType::Representation CommonAncestor(uint32_t type_index1,
                                        uint32_t type_index2,
                                        const WasmModule* module1,
                                        const WasmModule* module2) {}

// Returns the least common ancestor of an abstract HeapType {heap1}, and
// another HeapType {heap2}.
HeapType::Representation CommonAncestorWithAbstract(HeapType heap1,
                                                    HeapType heap2,
                                                    const WasmModule* module2) {}
}  // namespace

V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE TypeInModule Union(ValueType type1, ValueType type2,
                                     const WasmModule* module1,
                                     const WasmModule* module2) {}

TypeInModule Intersection(ValueType type1, ValueType type2,
                          const WasmModule* module1,
                          const WasmModule* module2) {}

ValueType ToNullSentinel(TypeInModule type) {}

bool IsSameTypeHierarchy(HeapType type1, HeapType type2,
                         const WasmModule* module) {}

}  // namespace v8::internal::wasm