
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// FFT-based multiplication, due to Schönhage and Strassen.
// This implementation mostly follows the description given in:
// Christoph Lüders: Fast Multiplication of Large Integers,

#include "src/bigint/bigint-internal.h"
#include "src/bigint/digit-arithmetic.h"
#include "src/bigint/util.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace bigint {

namespace {

// Part 1: Functions for "mod F_n" arithmetic.
// F_n is of the shape 2^K + 1, and for convenience we use K to count the
// number of digits rather than the number of bits, so F_n (or K) are implicit
// and deduced from the length {len} of the digits array.

// Helper function for {ModFn} below.
void ModFn_Helper(digit_t* x, int len, signed_digit_t high) {}

// {x} := {x} mod F_n, assuming that {x} is "slightly" larger than F_n (e.g.
// after addition of two numbers that were mod-F_n-normalized before).
void ModFn(digit_t* x, int len) {}

// {dest} := {src} mod F_n, assuming that {src} is about twice as long as F_n
// (e.g. after multiplication of two numbers that were mod-F_n-normalized
// before).
// {len} is length of {dest}; {src} is twice as long.
void ModFnDoubleWidth(digit_t* dest, const digit_t* src, int len) {}

// Sets {sum} := {a} + {b} and {diff} := {a} - {b}, which is more efficient
// than computing sum and difference separately. Applies "mod F_n" normalization
// to both results.
void SumDiff(digit_t* sum, digit_t* diff, const digit_t* a, const digit_t* b,
             int len) {}

// {result} := ({input} << shift) mod F_n, where shift >= K.
void ShiftModFn_Large(digit_t* result, const digit_t* input, int digit_shift,
                      int bits_shift, int K) {}

// Sets {result} := {input} * 2^{power_of_two} mod 2^{K} + 1.
// This function is highly relevant for overall performance.
void ShiftModFn(digit_t* result, const digit_t* input, int power_of_two, int K,
                int zero_above = 0x7FFFFFFF) {}

// Part 2: FFT-based multiplication is very sensitive to appropriate choice
// of parameters. The following functions choose the parameters that the
// subsequent actual computation will use. This is partially based on formal
// constraints and partially on experimentally-determined heuristics.

struct Parameters {};

// Computes parameters for the main calculation, given a bit length {N} and
// an {m}. See the paper for details.
void ComputeParameters(int N, int m, Parameters* params) {}

// Computes parameters for recursive invocations ("inner layer").
void ComputeParameters_Inner(int N, Parameters* params) {}

int PredictInnerK(int N) {}

// Applies heuristics to decide whether {m} should be decremented, by looking
// at what would happen to {K} and {s} if {m} was decremented.
bool ShouldDecrementM(const Parameters& current, const Parameters& next,
                      const Parameters& after_next) {}

// Decides what parameters to use for a given input bit length {N}.
// Returns the chosen m.
int GetParameters(int N, Parameters* params) {}

// Part 3: Fast Fourier Transformation.

class FFTContainer {};

inline void CopyAndZeroExtend(digit_t* dst, const digit_t* src,
                              int digits_to_copy, size_t total_bytes) {}

// Reads {X} into the FFTContainer's internal storage, dividing it into chunks
// while doing so; then performs the forward FFT.
void FFTContainer::Start_Default(Digits X, int chunk_size, int theta,
                                 int omega) {}

// This version of Start is optimized for the case where ~half of the
// container will be filled with padding zeros.
void FFTContainer::Start(Digits X, int chunk_size, int theta, int omega) {}

// Forward transformation.
// We use the "DIF" aka "decimation in frequency" transform, because it
// leaves the result in "bit reversed" order, which is precisely what we
// need as input for the "DIT" aka "decimation in time" backwards transform.
void FFTContainer::FFT_ReturnShuffledThreadsafe(int start, int len, int omega,
                                                digit_t* temp) {}

// Recursive step of the above, factored out for additional callers.
void FFTContainer::FFT_Recurse(int start, int half, int omega, digit_t* temp) {}

// Backward transformation.
// We use the "DIT" aka "decimation in time" transform here, because it
// turns bit-reversed input into normally sorted output.
void FFTContainer::BackwardFFT(int start, int len, int omega) {}

void FFTContainer::BackwardFFT_Threadsafe(int start, int len, int omega,
                                          digit_t* temp) {}

// Recombines the result's parts into {Z}, after backwards FFT.
void FFTContainer::NormalizeAndRecombine(int omega, int m, RWDigits Z,
                                         int chunk_size) {}

// Helper function for {CounterWeightAndRecombine} below.
bool ShouldBeNegative(const digit_t* x, int xlen, digit_t threshold, int s) {}

// Same as {NormalizeAndRecombine} above, but for the needs of the recursive
// invocation ("inner layer") of FFT multiplication, where an additional
// counter-weighting step is required.
void FFTContainer::CounterWeightAndRecombine(int theta, int m, RWDigits Z,
                                             int s) {}

// Main FFT function for recursive invocations ("inner layer").
void MultiplyFFT_Inner(RWDigits Z, Digits X, Digits Y, const Parameters& params,
                       ProcessorImpl* processor) {}

// Actual implementation of pointwise multiplications.
void FFTContainer::DoPointwiseMultiplication(const FFTContainer& other,
                                             int start, int end,
                                             digit_t* temp) {}

// Convenient entry point for pointwise multiplications.
void FFTContainer::PointwiseMultiply(const FFTContainer& other) {}

}  // namespace

// Part 4: Tying everything together into a multiplication algorithm.

// TODO(jkummerow): Consider doing a "Mersenne transform" and CRT reconstruction
// of the final result. Might yield a few percent of perf improvement.

// TODO(jkummerow): Consider implementing the "sqrt(2) trick".
// Gaudry/Kruppa/Zimmerman report that it saved them around 10%.

void ProcessorImpl::MultiplyFFT(RWDigits Z, Digits X, Digits Y) {}

}  // namespace bigint
}  // namespace v8