
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/compiler/loop-peeling.h"

#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/compiler-source-position-table.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/loop-analysis.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-marker.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-origin-table.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"

// Loop peeling is an optimization that copies the body of a loop, creating
// a new copy of the body called the "peeled iteration" that represents the
// first iteration. Beginning with a loop as follows:

//             E
//             |                 A
//             |                 |                     (backedges)
//             | +---------------|---------------------------------+
//             | | +-------------|-------------------------------+ |
//             | | |             | +--------+                    | |
//             | | |             | | +----+ |                    | |
//             | | |             | | |    | |                    | |
//           ( Loop )<-------- ( phiA )   | |                    | |
//              |                 |       | |                    | |
//      ((======P=================U=======|=|=====))             | |
//      ((                                | |     ))             | |
//      ((        X <---------------------+ |     ))             | |
//      ((                                  |     ))             | |
//      ((     body                         |     ))             | |
//      ((                                  |     ))             | |
//      ((        Y <-----------------------+     ))             | |
//      ((                                        ))             | |
//      ((===K====L====M==========================))             | |
//           |    |    |                                         | |
//           |    |    +-----------------------------------------+ |
//           |    +------------------------------------------------+
//           |
//          exit

// The body of the loop is duplicated so that all nodes considered "inside"
// the loop (e.g. {P, U, X, Y, K, L, M}) have a corresponding copies in the
// peeled iteration (e.g. {P', U', X', Y', K', L', M'}). What were considered
// backedges of the loop correspond to edges from the peeled iteration to
// the main loop body, with multiple backedges requiring a merge.

// Similarly, any exits from the loop body need to be merged with "exits"
// from the peeled iteration, resulting in the graph as follows:

//             E
//             |                 A
//             |                 |
//      ((=====P'================U'===============))
//      ((                                        ))
//      ((        X'<-------------+               ))
//      ((                        |               ))
//      ((   peeled iteration     |               ))
//      ((                        |               ))
//      ((        Y'<-----------+ |               ))
//      ((                      | |               ))
//      ((===K'===L'====M'======|=|===============))
//           |    |     |       | |
//  +--------+    +-+ +-+       | |
//  |               | |         | |
//  |              Merge <------phi
//  |                |           |
//  |          +-----+           |
//  |          |                 |                     (backedges)
//  |          | +---------------|---------------------------------+
//  |          | | +-------------|-------------------------------+ |
//  |          | | |             | +--------+                    | |
//  |          | | |             | | +----+ |                    | |
//  |          | | |             | | |    | |                    | |
//  |        ( Loop )<-------- ( phiA )   | |                    | |
//  |           |                 |       | |                    | |
//  |   ((======P=================U=======|=|=====))             | |
//  |   ((                                | |     ))             | |
//  |   ((        X <---------------------+ |     ))             | |
//  |   ((                                  |     ))             | |
//  |   ((     body                         |     ))             | |
//  |   ((                                  |     ))             | |
//  |   ((        Y <-----------------------+     ))             | |
//  |   ((                                        ))             | |
//  |   ((===K====L====M==========================))             | |
//  |        |    |    |                                         | |
//  |        |    |    +-----------------------------------------+ |
//  |        |    +------------------------------------------------+
//  |        |
//  |        |
//  +----+ +-+
//       | |
//      Merge
//        |
//      exit

// Note that the boxes ((===)) above are not explicitly represented in the
// graph, but are instead computed by the {LoopFinder}.

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {

class PeeledIterationImpl : public PeeledIteration {};

Node* PeeledIteration::map(Node* node) {}

PeeledIteration* LoopPeeler::Peel(LoopTree::Loop* loop) {}

void LoopPeeler::PeelInnerLoops(LoopTree::Loop* loop) {}

void LoopPeeler::EliminateLoopExit(Node* node) {}

void LoopPeeler::PeelInnerLoopsOfTree() {}

// static
void LoopPeeler::EliminateLoopExits(Graph* graph, Zone* tmp_zone) {}

}  // namespace compiler
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8