
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/compiler/string-builder-optimizer.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>

#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/small-vector.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph-assembler.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-heap-broker.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/compiler/operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/schedule.h"
#include "src/compiler/types.h"
#include "src/objects/code.h"
#include "src/objects/map-inl.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
namespace {

// Returns true if {node} is a kStringConcat or a kNewConsString.
bool IsConcat(Node* node) {}

// Returns true if {node} is considered as a literal string by the string
// builder optimizer:
//    - it's a literal string
//    - or it's a kStringFromSingleCharCode
bool IsLiteralString(Node* node, JSHeapBroker* broker) {}

// Returns true if {node} has at least one concatenation or phi in its uses.
bool HasConcatOrPhiUse(Node* node) {}

}  // namespace

OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::State OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::ConcatResultIsOneOrTwoByte(
    State a, State b) {}

std::optional<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::TryGetRange(
    Node* node) {}

// Tries to determine whether {node} is a 1-byte or a 2-byte string. This
// function assumes that {node} is part of a string builder: if it's a
// concatenation and its left hand-side is something else than a literal string,
// it returns only whether the right hand-side is 1/2-byte: the String builder
// analysis will take care of propagating the state of the left hand-side.
OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::State OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::OneOrTwoByte(Node* node) {}

bool StringBuilderOptimizer::BlockShouldFinalizeStringBuilders(
    BasicBlock* block) {}

ZoneVector<Node*> StringBuilderOptimizer::GetStringBuildersToFinalize(
    BasicBlock* block) {}

OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::State StringBuilderOptimizer::GetOneOrTwoByte(
    Node* node) {}

bool StringBuilderOptimizer::IsStringBuilderEnd(Node* node) {}

bool StringBuilderOptimizer::IsNonLoopPhiStringBuilderEnd(Node* node) {}

bool StringBuilderOptimizer::IsStringBuilderConcatInput(Node* node) {}

bool StringBuilderOptimizer::ConcatIsInStringBuilder(Node* node) {}

int StringBuilderOptimizer::GetStringBuilderIdForConcat(Node* node) {}

bool StringBuilderOptimizer::IsFirstConcatInStringBuilder(Node* node) {}

// Duplicates the {input_idx}th input of {node} if it has multiple uses, so that
// the replacement only has one use and can safely be marked as
// State::kConfirmedInStringBuilder and properly optimized in
// EffectControlLinearizer (in particular, this will allow to safely remove
// StringFromSingleCharCode that are only used for a StringConcat that we
// optimize).
void StringBuilderOptimizer::ReplaceConcatInputIfNeeded(Node* node,
                                                        int input_idx) {}

// If all of the predecessors of {node} are part of a string builder and have
// the same id, returns this id. Otherwise, returns kInvalidId.
int StringBuilderOptimizer::GetPhiPredecessorsCommonId(Node* node) {}

namespace {

// Returns true if {first} comes before {second} in {block}.
bool ComesBeforeInBlock(Node* first, Node* second, BasicBlock* block) {}

static constexpr int kMaxPredecessors =;

// Compute up to {kMaxPredecessors} predecessors of {start} that are not past
// {end}, and store them in {dst}. Returns true if there are less than
// {kMaxPredecessors} such predecessors and false otherwise.
bool ComputePredecessors(
    BasicBlock* start, BasicBlock* end,
    base::SmallVector<BasicBlock*, kMaxPredecessors>* dst) {}

// Returns false if {node} makes its string input escape this use. For instance,
// a Phi or a Store make their input escape, but a kStringLength consumes its
// inputs.
bool OpcodeIsAllowed(IrOpcode::Value op) {}

// Returns true if {sb_child_block} can be a valid successor for
// {previous_block} in the string builder, considering that {other_child_block}
// is another successor of {previous_block} (which uses the string builder that
// is in {previous_block}).We are mainly checking for the following scenario:
//               |
//               v
//       +---> LoopPhi
//       |       |
//       |       v
//       |      node ----------> other_child
//       |       |
//       |       v
//       |     child
//       |      ...
//       |       |
//       +-------+
// Where {node} and {child} are inside a loop (and could be part of a string
// builder), but {other_child} is not, and the control flow doesn't exit the
// loop in between {node} and {child}. The string builder should not be used in
// such situations, because by the time {other_child} is reached, its input will
// be invalid, because {child} will have mutated it. (here, node's block would
// be {previous_block}, child's would be {sb_child_block} and other_child's
// would be {other_child_block}).
bool ValidControlFlowForStringBuilder(BasicBlock* sb_child_block,
                                      BasicBlock* other_child_block,
                                      BasicBlock* previous_block,
                                      ZoneVector<BasicBlock*> loop_headers) {}

// Return true if {maybe_dominator} dominates {maybe_dominee} and is less than
// {kMaxDominatorSteps} steps away (to avoid going back too far if
// {maybe_dominee} is much deeper in the graph that {maybe_dominator}).
bool IsClosebyDominator(BasicBlock* maybe_dominator,
                        BasicBlock* maybe_dominee) {}

// Returns true if {node} is a Phi that has both {input1} and {input2} as
// inputs.
bool IsPhiContainingGivenInputs(Node* node, Node* input1, Node* input2,
                                Schedule* schedule) {}

// Returns true if {phi} has 3 inputs (including the Loop or Merge), and its
// first two inputs are either Phi themselves, or StringConcat/NewConsString.
// This is used to quickly eliminate Phi nodes that cannot be part of a String
// Builder.
bool PhiInputsAreConcatsOrPhi(Node* phi) {}

}  // namespace

// Check that the uses of {node} are valid, assuming that {string_builder_child}
// is the following node in the string builder. In a nutshell, for uses of a
// node (that is part of the string builder) to be valid, they need to all
// appear before the next node of the string builder (because after, the node is
// not valid anymore because we mutate SlicedString and the backing store in
// place). For instance:
//     s1 = "123" + "abc";
//     s2 = s1 + "def";
//     l = s1.length();
// In this snippet, if `s1` and `s2` are part of the string builder, then the
// uses of `s1` are not actually valid, because `s1.length()` appears after the
// next node of the string builder (`s2`) has been computed.
bool StringBuilderOptimizer::CheckNodeUses(Node* node,
                                           Node* string_builder_child,
                                           Status status) {}

// Check that the uses of the predecessor(s) of {child} in the string builder
// are valid, with respect to {child}. This sounds a bit backwards, but we can't
// check if uses are valid before having computed what the next node in the
// string builder is. Hence, once we've established that {child} is in the
// string builder, we check that the uses of the previous node(s) of the
// string builder are valid. For non-loop phis (ie, merge phis), we simply check
// that the uses of their 2 predecessors are valid. For loop phis, this function
// is called twice: one for the outside-the-loop input (with {input_if_loop_phi}
// = 0), and once for the inside-the-loop input (with  {input_if_loop_phi} = 1).
bool StringBuilderOptimizer::CheckPreviousNodeUses(Node* child, Status status,
                                                   int input_if_loop_phi) {}

void StringBuilderOptimizer::VisitNode(Node* node, BasicBlock* block) {}

// For each potential string builder, checks that their beginning has status
// kBeginStringBuilder, and that they contain at least one phi. Then, all of
// their "valid" nodes are switched from status State::InStringBuilder to status
// State::kConfirmedInStringBuilder (and "valid" kBeginStringBuilder are left
// as kBeginStringBuilder while invalid ones are switched to kInvalid). Nodes
// are considered "valid" if they are before any kPendingPhi in the string
// builder. Put otherwise, switching status from kInStringBuilder to
// kConfirmedInStringBuilder is a cheap way of getting rid of kInStringBuilder
// nodes that are invalid before one of their predecessor is a kPendingPhi that
// was never switched to kInStringBuilder. An example:
//               StringConcat [1]
//             kBeginStringBuilder
//                    |
//                    |
//                    v
//          -----> Loop Phi [2] ---------------
//          |   kInStringBuilder              |
//          |         |                       |
//          |         |                       |
//          |         v                       v
//          |    StringConcat [3]        StringConcat [4]
//          |    kInStringBuilder        kInStringBuilder
//          |         |                       |
//          ----------|                       |
//                                            v
//                                 -----> Loop Phi [5] ------------>
//                                 |      kPendingPhi
//                                 |          |
//                                 |          |
//                                 |          v
//                                 |     StringConcat [6]
//                                 |     kInStringBuilder
//                                 |          |
//                                 -----------|
// In this graph, nodes [1], [2], [3] and [4] are part of the string builder. In
// particular, node 2 has at some point been assigned the status kPendingPhi
// (because all loop phis start as kPendingPhi), but was later switched to
// status kInStringBuilder (because its uses inside the loop were compatible
// with the string builder), which implicitly made node [3] a valid part of the
// string builder. On the other hand, node [5] was never switched to status
// kInStringBuilder, which means that it is not valid, and any successor of [5]
// isn't valid either (remember that we speculatively set nodes following a
// kPendingPhi to kInStringBuilder). Thus, rather than having to iterate through
// the successors of kPendingPhi nodes to invalidate them, we simply update the
// status of valid nodes to kConfirmedInStringBuilder, after which any
// kInStringBuilder node is actually invalid.
// In this function, we also collect all the possible ends for each string
// builder (their can be multiple possible ends if there is a branch before the
// end of a string builder), as well as where trimming for a given string
// builder should be done (either right after the last node, or at the beginning
// of the blocks following this node). For an example of string builder with
// multiple ends, consider this code:
//     let s = "a" + "b"
//     for (...) {
//         s += "...";
//     }
//     if (...) return s + "abc";
//     else return s + "def";
// Which would produce a graph that looks like:
//                     kStringConcat
//                            |
//                            |
//                            v
//               -------> Loop Phi---------------
//               |            |                 |
//               |            |                 |
//               |            v                 |
//               |      kStringConcat           |
//               |            |                 |
//               -------------|                 |
//                                              |
//                                              |
//                  ------------------------------------------
//                  |                                        |
//                  |                                        |
//                  |                                        |
//                  v                                        v
//            kStringConcat [1]                        kStringConcat [2]
//                  |                                        |
//                  |                                        |
//                  v                                        v
//               Return                                   Return
// In this case, both kStringConcat [1] and [2] are valid ends for the string
// builder.
void StringBuilderOptimizer::FinalizeStringBuilders() {}

void StringBuilderOptimizer::VisitGraph() {}

void StringBuilderOptimizer::Run() {}

StringBuilderOptimizer::StringBuilderOptimizer(JSGraph* jsgraph,
                                               Schedule* schedule,
                                               Zone* temp_zone,
                                               JSHeapBroker* broker)

}  // namespace compiler
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8