
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Underscripts and Overscripts parameters</title>
<link rel="help" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="Elements munder, mover, munderover correctly use underbar/overbar and AccentBaseHeight parameters from the MATH table.">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/mathml/support/feature-detection.js"></script>
<script src="/mathml/support/fonts.js"></script>
  math, mspace, mo {
    font-size: 10px;
  @font-face {
    font-family: accentbaseheight4000underbarextradescender5000;
    src: url("/fonts/math/underover-accentbaseheight4000-underbarextradescender5000.woff");
  @font-face {
    font-family: accentbaseheight4000underbarverticalgap7000;
    src: url("/fonts/math/underover-accentbaseheight4000-underbarverticalgap7000.woff");
  @font-face {
    font-family: accentbaseheight4000overbarextraascender3000;
    src: url("/fonts/math/underover-accentbaseheight4000-overbarextraascender3000.woff");
  @font-face {
    font-family: accentbaseheight4000overbarverticalgap11000;
    src: url("/fonts/math/underover-accentbaseheight4000-overbarverticalgap11000.woff");
  var emToPx = 10 / 1000; // font-size: 10px, font.em = 1000
  var epsilon = 2;
  var axisBaseHeight = 4000 *  emToPx;
  var shortBaseHeight = 3000 * emToPx; // shortBaseHeight < axisBaseHeight
  var tallBaseHeight = 5000 * emToPx; // tallBaseHeight > axisBaseHeight

  function getBox(aId) {
    return document.getElementById(aId).getBoundingClientRect();

  setup({ explicit_done: true });
  window.addEventListener("load", () => { loadAllFonts().then(runTests); });

  function getBooleanValue(element, name) {
      return (element.getAttribute(name) || "").toLowerCase() === "true";
  let dynamicBooleanAttributeChanges = {
      "Invert boolean value using absent attribute": function(element, name) {
          if (getBooleanValue(element, name)) {
          } else {
              element.setAttribute(name, "true");

      "Invert boolean value using invalid attribute": function(element, name) {
          if (getBooleanValue(element, name)) {
              element.setAttribute(name, "invalid");
          } else {
              element.setAttribute(name, "true");

      "Change case of boolean attribute": function(element, name) {
          if (getBooleanValue(element, name)) {
              element.setAttribute(name, "TrUe");
          } else {
              element.setAttribute(name, "FaLsE");

  function runTests() {
    test(function() {

      for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
        for (var j = 1; j <= 6; j++) {
           var baseId = ("base00" + i) + j;
           assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref00" + i).bottom,
                                "alignment of " + baseId);
    }, "Baseline alignment");

    test(function() {

      for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
        for (var j = 1; j <= 6; j++) {
           var baseId = ("base00" + i) + j;
                                j == 2 || j == 5 ?
                                tallBaseHeight :shortBaseHeight,
                                "height of " + baseId);
    }, "Heights of bases");

    test(function() {

      var v = 5000 * emToPx;
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref001").bottom - getBox("over0014").bottom,
                           shortBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: nonaccent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref001").bottom - getBox("over0015").bottom,
                           tallBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over tall base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref001").bottom - getBox("over0016").bottom,
                           axisBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over short base");
      for (var j = 1; j <= 6; j++) {
        var elId = "el001" + j;
        var baseId = "base001" + j;
        var underId = "under001" + j;
        assert_approx_equals(getBox(underId).top - getBox(baseId).bottom,
                             0, epsilon,
                             "gap between " + baseId + " and " + underId);
        assert_approx_equals(getBox(elId).bottom - getBox(underId).bottom,
                             v, epsilon,
                             "extra descender below " + underId);
    }, "AccentBaseHeight, UnderbarExtraDescender");

    test(function() {

      var v = 7000 * emToPx;
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref002").bottom - getBox("over0024").bottom,
                           shortBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: nonaccent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref002").bottom - getBox("over0025").bottom,
                           tallBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over tall base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref002").bottom - getBox("over0026").bottom,
                           axisBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over short base");
      for (var j = 1; j <= 6; j++) {
        var elId = "el002" + j;
        var baseId = "base002" + j;
        var underId = "under002" + j;
        var gap = (j == 2 || j == 3 ? 0 : v);
        assert_approx_equals(getBox(underId).top - getBox(baseId).bottom,
                             gap, epsilon,
                             "gap between " + baseId + " and " + underId);
    }, "AccentBaseHeight, UnderbarVerticalGap");

    test(function() {

      var v = 3000 * emToPx;
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref003").bottom - getBox("over0031").bottom,
                           shortBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "mover: nonaccent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref003").bottom - getBox("over0032").bottom,
                           tallBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "mover: accent over tall base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref003").bottom - getBox("over0033").bottom,
                           axisBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "mover: accent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref003").bottom - getBox("over0034").bottom,
                           shortBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: nonaccent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref003").bottom - getBox("over0035").bottom,
                           tallBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over tall base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref003").bottom - getBox("over0036").bottom,
                           axisBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over short base");
      for (var j = 1; j <= 6; j++) {
        var elId = "el003" + j;
        var baseId = "base003" + j;
        if (j >= 4) {
          var underId = "under003" + j;
          assert_approx_equals(getBox(underId).top - getBox(baseId).bottom,
                               0, epsilon,
                               "gap between " + baseId + " and " + underId);
        var overId = "over003" + j;
        assert_approx_equals(getBox(overId).top - getBox(elId).top,
                             v, epsilon,
                             "extra ascender below " + overId);
    }, "AccentBaseHeight, OverbarExtraAscender");

    test(function() {

      v = 11000 * emToPx;
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref004").bottom - getBox("over0041").bottom,
                           shortBaseHeight + v, epsilon,
                           "mover: nonaccent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref004").bottom - getBox("over0042").bottom,
                           tallBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "mover: accent over tall base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref004").bottom - getBox("over0043").bottom,
                           axisBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "mover: accent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref004").bottom - getBox("over0044").bottom,
                           shortBaseHeight + v, epsilon,
                           "munderover: nonaccent over short base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref004").bottom - getBox("over0045").bottom,
                           tallBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over tall base");
      assert_approx_equals(getBox("ref004").bottom - getBox("over0046").bottom,
                           axisBaseHeight, epsilon,
                           "munderover: accent over short base");
      for (var j = 4; j <= 6; j++) {
        var baseId = "base004" + j;
        var underId = "under004" + j;
        assert_approx_equals(getBox(underId).top - getBox(baseId).bottom,
                             0, epsilon,
                             "gap between " + baseId + " and " + underId);
    }, "AccentBaseHeight, OverbarVerticalGap");

    test(function() {
      var v = 7000 * emToPx;

      for (var j = 1; j <= 4; j++) {
        var elId = `el005${j}`;
        var baseId = `base005${j}`;
        var underId = `under005${j}`;

        for (name in dynamicBooleanAttributeChanges) {
            let element = document.getElementById(elId);
            dynamicBooleanAttributeChanges[name](element, "accentunder");
            var value =  getBooleanValue(element, "accentunder");
            var gap = value ? 0 : v;
            assert_approx_equals(getBox(underId).top - getBox(baseId).bottom,
                                 gap, epsilon,
                                 `${elId}: gap between base and underscript ; ${name}`);
    }, "Dynamic change of accentunder attribute");

    test(function() {
      v = 11000 * emToPx;
      for (var j = 1; j <= 4; j++) {
        var elId = `el006${j}`;
        var refId = `base006${j}`;
        var overId = `over006${j}`;
        for (name in dynamicBooleanAttributeChanges) {
            let element = document.getElementById(elId);
            dynamicBooleanAttributeChanges[name](element, "accent");
            var value =  getBooleanValue(element, "accent");
            assert_approx_equals(getBox(refId).bottom - getBox(overId).bottom,
                                 value ? axisBaseHeight : shortBaseHeight + v,
                                 `${elId}: accent=${value} ; short base ; ${name}`);
    }, "Dynamic change of accent attribute");

  <div id="log"></div>
      <math style="font-family: accentbaseheight4000underbarextradescender5000;">
        <mspace id="ref001" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: green"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0011">
          <mspace id="base0011" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0011" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0012" accentunder="true">
          <mspace id="base0012" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0012" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0013" accentunder="true">
          <mspace id="base0013" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0013" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0014">
          <mspace id="base0014" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0014" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0014" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0015" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0015" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0015" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0015" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0016" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0016" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0016" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0016" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
      <math style="font-family: accentbaseheight4000underbarverticalgap7000;">
        <mspace id="ref002" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: green"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0021">
          <mspace id="base0021" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0021" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0022" accentunder="true">
          <mspace id="base0022" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0022" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0023" accentunder="true">
          <mspace id="base0023" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0023" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0024">
          <mspace id="base0024" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0024" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0024" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0025" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0025" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0025" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0025" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0026" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0026" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0026" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0026" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
      <math style="font-family: accentbaseheight4000overbarextraascender3000;">
        <mspace id="ref003" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: green"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0031">
          <mspace id="base0031" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0031" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0032" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0032" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0032" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0033" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0033" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0033" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0034">
          <mspace id="base0034" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0034" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0034" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0035" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0035" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0035" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0035" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0036" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0036" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0036" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0036" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
      <math style="font-family: accentbaseheight4000overbarverticalgap11000;">
        <mspace id="ref004" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: green"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0041">
          <mspace id="base0041" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0041" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0042" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0042" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0042" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0043" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0043" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0043" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0044">
          <mspace id="base0044" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0044" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0044" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0045" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0045" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0045" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0045" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0046" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0046" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0046" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0046" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
      <math style="font-family: accentbaseheight4000underbarverticalgap7000;">
        <mspace id="ref005" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: green"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0051">
          <mspace id="base0051" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0051" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munder style="background: cyan" id="el0052" accentunder="true">
          <mspace id="base0052" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0052" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0053">
          <mspace id="base0053" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0053" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0053" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0054" accentunder="true">
          <mspace id="base0054" height="5em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0054" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0054" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
      <math style="font-family: accentbaseheight4000overbarverticalgap11000;">
        <mspace id="ref006" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: green"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0061">
          <mspace id="base0061" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0061" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <mover style="background: cyan" id="el0062" accent="true">
          <mspace id="base0062" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="over0062" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
        <munderover style="background: cyan" id="el0063">
          <mspace id="base0063" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0063" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0063" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
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          <mspace id="base0064" height="3em" width="1em" style="background: black"/>
          <mspace id="under0064" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: blue"/>
          <mspace id="over0064" height="1em" width="3em" style="background: red"/>
