<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/mathml-core/#space-mspace">
<meta name="assert" content="Verify mspace metrics for different values of height, depth and width">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
var epsilon = 1;
function getBox(aId) {
var box = document.getElementById(aId).getBoundingClientRect();
box.middle = (box.bottom + box.top) / 2;
box.center = (box.left + box.right) / 2;
return box;
setup({ explicit_done: true });
window.addEventListener("load", runTests);
function runTests() {
test(function() {
var empty = getBox("empty");
assert_equals(empty.width, 0, "zero width");
assert_approx_equals(getBox("baseline").bottom - empty.top, 0, epsilon, "zero depth");
assert_approx_equals(empty.bottom - getBox("baseline").bottom, 0, epsilon, "zero depth");
}, "Empty mspace");
test(function() {
for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
var space = getBox("width" + i);
assert_approx_equals(space.width, 25*(i+1), epsilon, "width " + i);
assert_approx_equals(getBox("baseline").bottom - space.top, 0, epsilon, "height" + i);
assert_approx_equals(space.bottom - getBox("baseline").bottom, 0, epsilon, "depth" + i);
}, "Different widths");
test(function() {
for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
var space = getBox("height" + i);
assert_equals(space.width, 0, "width" + i);
assert_approx_equals(getBox("baseline").bottom - space.top, 25*(i+1), epsilon, "height" + i);
assert_approx_equals(space.bottom - getBox("baseline").bottom, 0, epsilon, "depth" + i);
}, "Different heights");
test(function() {
for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
var space = getBox("depth" + i);
assert_equals(space.width, 0, "width" + i);
assert_approx_equals(getBox("baseline").bottom - space.top, 0, epsilon, "height" + i);
assert_approx_equals(space.bottom - getBox("baseline").bottom, 25*(i+1), epsilon, "depth" + i);
}, "Different depths");
test(function() {
for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
var space = getBox("mspace" + i);
assert_approx_equals(space.width, 25*(1+i%3), epsilon, "width" + i);
assert_approx_equals(getBox("baseline").bottom - space.top, 25*(1+(i+1)%3), epsilon, "height" + i);
assert_approx_equals(space.bottom - getBox("baseline").bottom, 25*(1+(i+2)%3), epsilon, "depth" + i);
}, "Various combinations of height, depth and width.");
test(function() {
var container = document.getElementById("containerForPreferredWidth");
var mspace = container.getElementsByTagName("mspace")[0];
var containerWidth = container.getBoundingClientRect().width;
var mspaceWidth = mspace.getBoundingClientRect().width;
assert_approx_equals(containerWidth, mspaceWidth, epsilon);
}, "Preferred width");
// Dynamically set attributes.
["width", "height", "depth"].forEach(function (name, index) {
let length = `${50 + index * 10}px`;
document.getElementById("dynamic-attach").setAttribute(name, length);
document.getElementById("dynamic-modify").setAttribute(name, length);
let baseline = getBox("baseline2").bottom;
test(function() {
let remove = getBox("dynamic-remove");
assert_approx_equals(remove.width, 0, epsilon);
assert_approx_equals(remove.height, 0, epsilon);
assert_approx_equals(remove.top, baseline, epsilon);
}, "dynamic attributes (remove)");
test(function() {
let attach = getBox("dynamic-attach");
assert_approx_equals(attach.width, 50, epsilon);
assert_approx_equals(attach.height, 60 + 70, epsilon);
assert_approx_equals(baseline - attach.top, 60, epsilon);
}, "dynamic attributes (attach)");
test(function() {
let modify = getBox("dynamic-modify");
assert_approx_equals(modify.width, 50, epsilon);
assert_approx_equals(modify.height, 60 + 70, epsilon);
assert_approx_equals(baseline - modify.top, 60, epsilon);
}, "dynamic attributes (modify)");
div.shrink-wrap {
background: yellow;
display: inline-block;
margin-top: 5px;
padding-top: 5px;
<div id="log"></div>
<span id="baseline" style="display: inline-block; width: 30px; height: 5px; background: blue"></span>
<mspace id="empty"/>
<mspace id="width0" width="25px"/>
<mspace id="width1" width="50px"/>
<mspace id="width2" width="75px"/>
<mspace id="height0" height="25px"/>
<mspace id="height1" height="50px"/>
<mspace id="height2" height="75px"/>
<mspace id="depth0" depth="25px"/>
<mspace id="depth1" depth="50px"/>
<mspace id="depth2" depth="75px"/>
<mspace id="mspace0" width="25px" height="50px" depth="75px" style="background: green"/>
<mspace id="mspace1" width="50px" height="75px" depth="25px" style="background: blue"/>
<mspace id="mspace2" width="75px" height="25px" depth="50px" style="background: green"/>
<div id="containerForPreferredWidth" class="shrink-wrap">
<math><mspace width="75px" height="25px" depth="50px" style="background: green"/></math>
<span id="baseline2" style="display: inline-block; width: 30px; height: 5px; background: blue"></span>
<mspace id="dynamic-attach" style="background: lightgreen"/>
<mspace id="dynamic-remove" width="10px" height="20px" depth="30px" style="background: lightyellow"/>
<mspace id="dynamic-modify" width="100px" height="200px" depth="300px" style="background: pink"/>