
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/builtins/builtins-iterator-gen.h"

#include <optional>

#include "src/builtins/builtins-collections-gen.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-string-gen.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-utils-gen.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins.h"
#include "src/builtins/growable-fixed-array-gen.h"
#include "src/codegen/code-stub-assembler-inl.h"
#include "src/compiler/code-assembler.h"
#include "src/heap/factory-inl.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

#include "src/codegen/"


TNode<Object> IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::GetIteratorMethod(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> object) {}

IteratorRecord IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::GetIterator(TNode<Context> context,
                                                      TNode<Object> object) {}

IteratorRecord IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::GetIterator(TNode<Context> context,
                                                      TNode<Object> object,
                                                      TNode<Object> method) {}

TNode<JSReceiver> IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::IteratorStep(
    TNode<Context> context, const IteratorRecord& iterator, Label* if_done,
    std::optional<TNode<Map>> fast_iterator_result_map) {}

void IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::IteratorComplete(
    TNode<Context> context, const TNode<HeapObject> iterator, Label* if_done,
    std::optional<TNode<Map>> fast_iterator_result_map) {}

TNode<Object> IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::IteratorValue(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<JSReceiver> result,
    std::optional<TNode<Map>> fast_iterator_result_map) {}

void IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::Iterate(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable,
    std::function<void(TNode<Object>)> func,
    std::initializer_list<compiler::CodeAssemblerVariable*> merged_variables) {}

void IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::Iterate(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable, TNode<Object> iterable_fn,
    std::function<void(TNode<Object>)> func,
    std::initializer_list<compiler::CodeAssemblerVariable*> merged_variables) {}

TNode<JSArray> IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::IterableToList(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable, TNode<Object> iterator_fn) {}

TNode<FixedArray> IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::IterableToFixedArray(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable, TNode<Object> iterator_fn) {}

void IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::FillFixedArrayFromIterable(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable, TNode<Object> iterator_fn,
    GrowableFixedArray* values) {}

TF_BUILTIN(IterableToList, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

TF_BUILTIN(IterableToFixedArray, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

TF_BUILTIN(IterableToFixedArrayForWasm, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

TNode<FixedArray> IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::StringListFromIterable(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable) {}

TF_BUILTIN(StringListFromIterable, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

TF_BUILTIN(StringFixedArrayFromIterable, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

// This builtin always returns a new JSArray and is thus safe to use even in the
// presence of code that may call back into user-JS. This builtin will take the
// fast path if the iterable is a fast array and the Array prototype and the
// Symbol.iterator is untouched. The fast path skips the iterator and copies the
// backing store to the new array. Note that if the array has holes, the holes
// will be copied to the new array, which is inconsistent with the behavior of
// an actual iteration, where holes should be replaced with undefined (if the
// prototype has no elements). To maintain the correct behavior for holey
// arrays, use the builtins IterableToList or IterableToListWithSymbolLookup or
// IterableToListConvertHoles.
TF_BUILTIN(IterableToListMayPreserveHoles, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

// This builtin always returns a new JSArray and is thus safe to use even in the
// presence of code that may call back into user-JS. This builtin will take the
// fast path if the iterable is a fast array and the Array prototype and the
// Symbol.iterator is untouched. The fast path skips the iterator and copies the
// backing store to the new array. Note that if the array has holes, the holes
// will be converted to undefined values in the new array (unlike
// IterableToListMayPreserveHoles builtin).
TF_BUILTIN(IterableToListConvertHoles, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

void IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::FastIterableToList(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable,
    TVariable<JSArray>* var_result, Label* slow) {}

TNode<JSArray> IteratorBuiltinsAssembler::FastIterableToList(
    TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> iterable, Label* slow) {}

// This builtin loads the property Symbol.iterator as the iterator, and has fast
// paths for fast arrays, for primitive strings, for sets and set iterators, and
// for map iterators. These fast paths will only be taken if Symbol.iterator and
// the Iterator prototype are not modified in a way that changes the original
// iteration behavior.
// * In case of fast holey arrays, holes will be converted to undefined to
//   reflect iteration semantics. Note that replacement by undefined is only
//   correct when the NoElements protector is valid.
// * In case of map/set iterators, there is an additional requirement that the
//   iterator is not partially consumed. To be spec-compliant, after spreading
//   the iterator is set to be exhausted.
TF_BUILTIN(IterableToListWithSymbolLookup, IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

           IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

           IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

// This builtin creates a FixedArray based on an Iterable and doesn't have a
// fast path for anything.
           IteratorBuiltinsAssembler) {}

#include "src/codegen/"

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8