
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/loop-unrolling-reducer.h"

#include <optional>

#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/index.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/loop-finder.h"

namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft {


void LoopUnrollingAnalyzer::DetectUnrollableLoops() {}

IterationCount LoopUnrollingAnalyzer::GetLoopIterationCount(
    const LoopFinder::LoopInfo& info) const {}

// Tries to match `phi cmp cst` (or `cst cmp phi`).
bool StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::MatchPhiCompareCst(
    OpIndex cond_idx, StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::CmpOp* cmp_op,
    OpIndex* phi, uint64_t* cst) const {}

bool StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::MatchCheckedOverflowBinop(
    OpIndex idx, V<Word>* left, V<Word>* right, BinOp* binop_op,
    WordRepresentation* binop_rep) const {}

bool StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::MatchWordBinop(
    OpIndex idx, V<Word>* left, V<Word>* right, BinOp* binop_op,
    WordRepresentation* binop_rep) const {}

    const Block* header, OpIndex cond_idx, bool loop_if_cond_is) const {}

constexpr bool StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::BinopKindIsSupported(
    WordBinopOp::Kind binop_kind) {}

constexpr StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::BinOp
StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::BinopFromWordBinopKind(WordBinopOp::Kind kind) {}

constexpr StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::BinOp
    OverflowCheckedBinopOp::Kind kind) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IterationCount& count) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CmpOp& cmp) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BinOp& binop) {}

namespace {

template <class Int>
std::optional<Int> Next(Int val, Int incr,
                        StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::BinOp binop_op,
                        WordRepresentation binop_rep) {}

template <class Int>
bool Cmp(Int val, Int max, CmpOp cmp_op) {}

template <class Int>
bool SubWillOverflow(Int lhs, Int rhs) {}

template <class Int>
bool DivWillOverflow(Int dividend, Int divisor) {}

}  // namespace

// Returns true if the loop
// `for (i = init, i cmp_op max; i = i binop_op binop_cst)` has fewer than
// `max_iter_` iterations.
template <class Int>
IterationCount StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::CountIterationsImpl(
    Int init, Int max, CmpOp cmp_op, Int binop_cst, BinOp binop_op,
    WordRepresentation binop_rep, bool loop_if_cond_is) const {}

// Returns true if the loop
// `for (i = initial_input, i cmp_op cmp_cst; i = i binop_op binop_cst)` has
// fewer than `max_iter_` iterations.
IterationCount StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::CountIterations(
    uint64_t cmp_cst, CmpOp cmp_op, uint64_t initial_input, uint64_t binop_cst,
    BinOp binop_op, WordRepresentation binop_rep, bool loop_if_cond_is) const {}

constexpr StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::CmpOp
StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::ComparisonKindToCmpOp(ComparisonOp::Kind kind) {}
constexpr StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::CmpOp
StaticCanonicalForLoopMatcher::InvertComparisonOp(CmpOp op) {}

}  // namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft