
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef V8_CRDTP_CBOR_H_
#define V8_CRDTP_CBOR_H_

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "export.h"
#include "parser_handler.h"
#include "span.h"

namespace v8_crdtp {
namespace cbor {
// The binary encoding for the inspector protocol follows the CBOR specification
// (RFC 7049). Additional constraints:
// - Only indefinite length maps and arrays are supported.
// - Maps and arrays are wrapped with an envelope, that is, a
//   CBOR tag with value 24 followed by a byte string specifying
//   the byte length of the enclosed map / array. The byte string
//   must use a 32 bit wide length.
// - At the top level, a message must be an indefinite length map
//   wrapped by an envelope.
// - Maximal size for messages is 2^32 (4 GB).
// - For scalars, we support only the int32_t range, encoded as
//   UNSIGNED/NEGATIVE (major types 0 / 1).
// - UTF16 strings, including with unbalanced surrogate pairs, are encoded
//   as CBOR BYTE_STRING (major type 2). For such strings, the number of
//   bytes encoded must be even.
// - UTF8 strings (major type 3) are supported.
// - 7 bit US-ASCII strings must always be encoded as UTF8 strings, never
//   as UTF16 strings.
// - Arbitrary byte arrays, in the inspector protocol called 'binary',
//   are encoded as BYTE_STRING (major type 2), prefixed with a byte
//   indicating base64 when rendered as JSON.

// =============================================================================
// Detecting CBOR content
// =============================================================================

// Checks whether |msg| is a cbor message.
bool IsCBORMessage(span<uint8_t> msg);

// Performs a leightweight check of |msg|.
// Disallows:
// - Empty message
// - Not starting with the two bytes 0xd8, 0x5a
// - Empty envelope (all length bytes are 0)
// - Not starting with a map after the envelope stanza
// DevTools messages should pass this check.
Status CheckCBORMessage(span<uint8_t> msg);

// =============================================================================
// Encoding individual CBOR items
// =============================================================================

// Some constants for CBOR tokens that only take a single byte on the wire.
uint8_t EncodeTrue();
uint8_t EncodeFalse();
uint8_t EncodeNull();
uint8_t EncodeIndefiniteLengthArrayStart();
uint8_t EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart();
uint8_t EncodeStop();

// Encodes |value| as |UNSIGNED| (major type 0) iff >= 0, or |NEGATIVE|
// (major type 1) iff < 0.
void EncodeInt32(int32_t value, std::vector<uint8_t>* out);

// Encodes a UTF16 string as a BYTE_STRING (major type 2). Each utf16
// character in |in| is emitted with most significant byte first,
// appending to |out|.
void EncodeString16(span<uint16_t> in, std::vector<uint8_t>* out);

// Encodes a UTF8 string |in| as STRING (major type 3).
void EncodeString8(span<uint8_t> in, std::vector<uint8_t>* out);

// Encodes the given |latin1| string as STRING8.
// If any non-ASCII character is present, it will be represented
// as a 2 byte UTF8 sequence.
void EncodeFromLatin1(span<uint8_t> latin1, std::vector<uint8_t>* out);

// Encodes the given |utf16| string as STRING8 if it's entirely US-ASCII.
// Otherwise, encodes as STRING16.
void EncodeFromUTF16(span<uint16_t> utf16, std::vector<uint8_t>* out);

// Encodes arbitrary binary data in |in| as a BYTE_STRING (major type 2) with
// definitive length, prefixed with tag 22 indicating expected conversion to
// base64 (see RFC 7049, Table 3 and Section
void EncodeBinary(span<uint8_t> in, std::vector<uint8_t>* out);

// Encodes / decodes a double as Major type 7 (SIMPLE_VALUE),
// with additional info = 27, followed by 8 bytes in big endian.
void EncodeDouble(double value, std::vector<uint8_t>* out);

// =============================================================================
// cbor::EnvelopeEncoder - for wrapping submessages
// =============================================================================

// An envelope indicates the byte length of a wrapped item.
// We use this for maps and array, which allows the decoder
// to skip such (nested) values whole sale.
// It's implemented as a CBOR tag (major type 6) with additional
// info = 24, followed by a byte string with a 32 bit length value;
// so the maximal structure that we can wrap is 2^32 bits long.
// See also:
class EnvelopeEncoder {};

class EnvelopeHeader {};

// =============================================================================
// cbor::NewCBOREncoder - for encoding from a streaming parser
// =============================================================================

// This can be used to convert to CBOR, by passing the return value to a parser
// that drives it. The handler will encode into |out|, and iff an error occurs
// it will set |status| to an error and clear |out|. Otherwise, |status.ok()|
// will be |true|.
std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> NewCBOREncoder(std::vector<uint8_t>* out,
                                              Status* status);

// =============================================================================
// cbor::CBORTokenizer - for parsing individual CBOR items
// =============================================================================

// Tags for the tokens within a CBOR message that CBORTokenizer understands.
// Note that this is not the same terminology as the CBOR spec (RFC 7049),
// but rather, our adaptation. For instance, we lump unsigned and signed
// major type into INT32 here (and disallow values outside the int32_t range).
enum class CBORTokenTag {};

// The major types from RFC 7049 Section 2.1.
enum class MajorType {};

// CBORTokenizer segments a CBOR message, presenting the tokens therein as
// numbers, strings, etc. This is not a complete CBOR parser, but makes it much
// easier to implement one (e.g. ParseCBOR, above). It can also be used to parse
// messages partially.
class CBORTokenizer {};

// =============================================================================
// cbor::ParseCBOR - for receiving streaming parser events for CBOR messages
// =============================================================================

// Parses a CBOR encoded message from |bytes|, sending events to
// |out|. If an error occurs, sends |out->HandleError|, and parsing stops.
// The client is responsible for discarding the already received information in
// that case.
void ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t> bytes, ParserHandler* out);

// =============================================================================
// cbor::AppendString8EntryToMap - for limited in-place editing of messages
// =============================================================================

// Modifies the |cbor| message by appending a new key/value entry at the end
// of the map. Patches up the envelope size; Status.ok() iff successful.
// If not successful, |cbor| may be corrupted after this call.
Status AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(span<uint8_t> string8_key,
                                   span<uint8_t> string8_value,
                                   std::vector<uint8_t>* cbor);

namespace internals {  // Exposed only for writing tests.
size_t ReadTokenStart(span<uint8_t> bytes,
                      cbor::MajorType* type,
                      uint64_t* value);

void WriteTokenStart(cbor::MajorType type,
                     uint64_t value,
                     std::vector<uint8_t>* encoded);
}  // namespace internals
}  // namespace cbor
}  // namespace v8_crdtp

#endif  // V8_CRDTP_CBOR_H_