// This script provides an object with common message subjects to assist main
// and worker thread communication.
const messageSubject = {
ERROR: "error", // info field may contain more detail
OBJECT_URL: "object url", // info field contains object URL
HANDLE: "handle", // info field contains the MediaSourceHandle
STARTED_BUFFERING: "started buffering",
FINISHED_BUFFERING: "finished buffering",
VERIFY_DURATION: "verify duration", // info field contains expected duration
AWAIT_DURATION: "await duration", // wait for element duration to match the expected duration in the info field
VERIFY_HAVE_NOTHING: "verify have nothing readyState",
VERIFY_AT_LEAST_HAVE_METADATA: "verify readyState is at least HAVE_METADATA",
ACK_VERIFIED: "verified", // info field contains the message values that requested the verification
WORKER_DONE: "worker done", // this lets worker signal main to successfully end the test