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<title>Test for MerchantValidationEvent Constructor</title>
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const applePay = Object.freeze({
  supportedMethods: "",
  data: {
    version: 3,
    merchantIdentifier: "",
    countryCode: "US",
    merchantCapabilities: ["supports3DS"],
    supportedNetworks: ["visa"],
const examplePay = Object.freeze({ supportedMethods: "" });
const defaultMethods = Object.freeze([examplePay, applePay]);
const defaultDetails = Object.freeze({
  total: {
    label: "Total",
    amount: {
      currency: "USD",
      value: "1.00",

test(() => {
  new MerchantValidationEvent("test");
}, "MerchantValidationEvent can be constructed in secure-context.");

test(() => {
  const ev = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", {
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,
    composed: true,
  assert_false(ev.isTrusted, "constructed in script, so not trusted");
  assert_true(ev.bubbles, "set by EventInitDict");
  assert_true(ev.cancelable, "set by EventInitDict");
  assert_true(ev.composed, "set by EventInitDict");
  assert_equals(, null, "initially null");
  assert_equals(ev.type, "test");
}, "MerchantValidationEvent can be constructed with an EventInitDict, even if not trusted.");

test(() => {
  const request = new PaymentRequest(defaultMethods, defaultDetails);
  const ev = new MerchantValidationEvent("test");
  request.addEventListener("test", evt => {
    assert_equals(ev, evt);
}, "MerchantValidationEvent can be dispatched, even if not trusted.");

test(() => {
  const validationURL = "";
  const event = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", { validationURL });
  assert_idl_attribute(event, "validationURL");
  assert_equals(event.validationURL, "");
}, "Must have a validationURL IDL attribute, which is initialized with to the validationURL dictionary value.");

test(() => {
  const validationURL = "http://\u005B"; // invalid URL
  assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
    new MerchantValidationEvent("test", { validationURL });
}, "Must throw TypeError if initialized with an invalid URL.");

test(() => {
  const validationURL = "";
  const relativePaths = ["", ".", "/test"];
  for (const path of relativePaths) {
    const event = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", { validationURL: path });
    const expected = new URL(path, document.location.href).href;
    assert_equals(event.validationURL, expected);
}, "Relative validationURLs use the document as the base.");

test(() => {
  const validationURL = "pass";
  const base = document.createElement("base");
  base.href = "";
  const event = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", { validationURL });
  try {
    assert_idl_attribute(event, "validationURL");
    assert_equals(event.validationURL, "");
  } finally {
}, "Relative validationURLs use the document.baseURI as the base.");

test(() => {
  const methodName = "";
  const event = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", { methodName });
  assert_idl_attribute(event, "methodName");
  assert_equals(event.methodName, "");
}, "Must have a methodName IDL attribute, which is initialized with to the methodName dictionary value.");

test(() => {
  const event = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", {});
  assert_equals(event.methodName, "");
}, "When no methodName is passed, methodName attribute defaults to the empty string");

test(() => {
  const validPMIs = [
    // special case for as default value
  for (const methodName of validPMIs) {
    const event = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", { methodName });
    assert_equals(event.methodName, methodName);
}, "MerchantValidationEvent can be constructed with valid PMIs");

test(() => {
  const invalidPMIs = [
    // ❌ Contains Unicode character outside the valid ranges.
    // ❌ Contains uppercase characters.
    // ❌ Contains Unicode characters outside the valid ranges.
    // ❌ Uses http://, a username, and a password.
    "http://username:[email protected]/pay",
    // ❌ Uses unknown URI scheme.
  for (const methodName of invalidPMIs) {
      () => {
        const event = new MerchantValidationEvent("test", { methodName });
      `expected to throw when constructed with invalid PMI: '${methodName}'`
}, "MerchantValidationEvent can't be constructed with invalid PMIs");