
<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>

<script type="module">
import { testFocusWasReset, testFocusWasNotReset } from "./resources/helpers.mjs";

test(() => {
  let throwAssertionHappened = false;

  navigation.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
      e.intercept({ focusReset: "invalid" });
    throwAssertionHappened = true;
  }, { once: true });

}, "Invalid values for focusReset throw");

testFocusWasNotReset(() => {
  // Intentionally left blank.
}, "Does not reset the focus when no navigate handler is present");

testFocusWasReset(t => {
  navigation.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  }, { once: true });
}, "Resets the focus when no focusReset option is provided");

testFocusWasReset(t => {
  navigation.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  }, { once: true });
}, "Resets the focus when focusReset is explicitly set to undefined");

testFocusWasReset(t => {
  navigation.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
    e.intercept({ handler: () => new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, 5)) });
  }, { once: true });
}, "Resets the focus when no focusReset option is provided (nontrivial fulfilled promise)");

testFocusWasReset(t => {
  navigation.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
    e.intercept({ handler: () => Promise.reject() });
  }, { once: true });
}, "Resets the focus when no focusReset option is provided (rejected promise)");

testFocusWasReset(t => {
  navigation.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
    e.intercept({ focusReset: "after-transition" });
  }, { once: true });
}, "Resets the focus when focusReset is explicitly set to 'after-transition'");

testFocusWasNotReset(t => {
  navigation.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
    e.intercept({ focusReset: "manual" });
}, "Does not reset the focus when focusReset is set to 'manual'");