window.assertReturnValue = (result, w = window) => {
assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(result), w.Object.prototype, "result object must be from the right realm");
assert_array_equals(Reflect.ownKeys(result), ["committed", "finished"]);
assert_true(result.committed instanceof w.Promise);
assert_true(result.finished instanceof w.Promise);
assert_not_equals(result.committed, result.finished);
window.assertNeverSettles = (t, result, w = window) => {
assertReturnValue(result, w);
t.unreached_func("committed must not fulfill"),
t.unreached_func("committed must not reject")
t.unreached_func("finished must not fulfill"),
t.unreached_func("finished must not reject")
window.assertBothFulfillEntryNotAvailable = async (t, result, w = window) => {
assertReturnValue(result, w);
// Don't use await here so that we can catch out-of-order settlements.
let committedValue;
t.step_func(v => { committedValue = v;}),
t.unreached_func("committed must not reject")
const finishedValue = await result.finished;
assert_not_equals(committedValue, undefined, "committed must fulfill before finished");
assert_equals(finishedValue, committedValue, "committed and finished must fulfill with the same value");
assert_true(finishedValue instanceof w.NavigationHistoryEntry, "fulfillment value must be a NavigationHistoryEntry");
window.assertBothFulfill = async (t, result, expected, w = window) => {
assertReturnValue(result, w);
// Don't use await here so that we can catch out-of-order settlements.
let committedValue;
t.step_func(v => { committedValue = v; }),
t.unreached_func("committed must not reject")
const finishedValue = await result.finished;
assert_not_equals(committedValue, undefined, "committed must fulfill before finished");
assert_equals(finishedValue, committedValue, "committed and finished must fulfill with the same value");
assert_true(finishedValue instanceof w.NavigationHistoryEntry, "fulfillment value must be a NavigationHistoryEntry");
assert_equals(finishedValue, expected);
window.assertCommittedFulfillsFinishedRejectsExactly = async (t, result, expectedEntry, expectedRejection, w = window) => {
assertReturnValue(result, w);
// Don't use await here so that we can catch out-of-order settlements.
let committedValue;
t.step_func(v => { committedValue = v; }),
t.unreached_func("committed must not reject")
await promise_rejects_exactly(t, expectedRejection, result.finished);
assert_not_equals(committedValue, undefined, "committed must fulfill before finished rejects");
assert_true(committedValue instanceof w.NavigationHistoryEntry, "fulfillment value must be a NavigationHistoryEntry");
assert_equals(committedValue, expectedEntry);
window.assertCommittedFulfillsFinishedRejectsDOM = async (t, result, expectedEntry, expectedDOMExceptionCode, w = window, domExceptionConstructor = w.DOMException, navigationHistoryEntryConstuctor = w.NavigationHistoryEntry) => {
assertReturnValue(result, w);
let committedValue;
t.step_func(v => { committedValue = v; }),
t.unreached_func("committed must not reject")
await promise_rejects_dom(t, expectedDOMExceptionCode, domExceptionConstructor, result.finished);
assert_not_equals(committedValue, undefined, "committed must fulfill before finished rejects");
assert_true(committedValue instanceof navigationHistoryEntryConstuctor, "fulfillment value must be an NavigationHistoryEntry");
assert_equals(committedValue, expectedEntry);
window.assertBothRejectExactly = async (t, result, expectedRejection, w = window) => {
assertReturnValue(result, w);
let committedReason, finishedReason;
await Promise.all([
t.unreached_func("committed must not fulfill"),
t.step_func(r => { committedReason = r; })
t.unreached_func("finished must not fulfill"),
t.step_func(r => { finishedReason = r; })
assert_equals(committedReason, finishedReason, "committed and finished must reject with the same value");
assert_equals(expectedRejection, committedReason);
window.assertBothRejectDOM = async (t, result, expectedDOMExceptionCode, w = window, domExceptionConstructor = w.DOMException) => {
assertReturnValue(result, w);
// Don't use await here so that we can catch out-of-order settlements.
let committedReason, finishedReason;
await Promise.all([
t.unreached_func("committed must not fulfill"),
t.step_func(r => { committedReason = r; })
t.unreached_func("finished must not fulfill"),
t.step_func(r => { finishedReason = r; })
assert_equals(committedReason, finishedReason, "committed and finished must reject with the same value");
assert_throws_dom(expectedDOMExceptionCode, domExceptionConstructor, () => { throw committedReason; });