
<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<iframe id="i1" src="/common/blank.html"></iframe>
<iframe id="i2" src="resources/"></iframe>
promise_test(async t => {
  let start_length = navigation.entries().length;
  // Wait for after the load event so that the navigation doesn't get converted
  // into a replace navigation.
  await new Promise(resolve => window.onload = () => t.step_timeout(resolve, 0));

  i1.src = "/common/blank.html?navigated";
  await new Promise(resolve => i1.onload = resolve);
  i2.src = "/common/blank.html?navigated";
  await new Promise(resolve => i2.onload = resolve);
  assert_equals(navigation.entries().length, start_length);
  assert_equals(i1.contentWindow.navigation.entries().length, 2);
  assert_equals(i2.contentWindow.navigation.entries().length, 2);
  assert_equals(i1.contentWindow.navigation.currentEntry.index, 1);
  assert_equals(i2.contentWindow.navigation.currentEntry.index, 1);

  function collectKeysAndIds(win) {
    return win.navigation.entries().map(e => [e.key,]).flat();
  let i1_keys_and_ids_before_back = collectKeysAndIds(i1.contentWindow);
  let i2_keys_and_ids_before_back = collectKeysAndIds(i2.contentWindow);

  // Go back to a point that requires both frames to navigate. Because i2 is
  // going back to a slow, un-cached document, i1 will likely complete before
  // the server sends the response for i2. This combination of a slow and fast
  // traversal is less common than the case where multiple iframes navigate at
  // similar speeds, and caused a bug in chromium.
  await Promise.all(
      [ new Promise(resolve => i1.onload = resolve),
        new Promise(resolve => i2.onload = resolve) ]);
  assert_equals(i1.contentWindow.navigation.currentEntry.index, 0);
  assert_equals(i2.contentWindow.navigation.currentEntry.index, 0);

  assert_array_equals(i1_keys_and_ids_before_back, collectKeysAndIds(i1.contentWindow));
  assert_array_equals(i2_keys_and_ids_before_back, collectKeysAndIds(i2.contentWindow));
}, "entries() should be correct after a traversal that navigates multiple browsing contexts");