<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import { Recorder } from "./resources/helpers.mjs";
const tests = [
["204s", "/common/blank.html?pipe=status(204)"],
["205s", "/common/blank.html?pipe=status(205)"],
["Content-Disposition: attachment responses", "/common/blank.html?pipe=header(Content-Disposition,attachment)"]
for (const [description, url] of tests) {
promise_test(async t => {
const i = document.createElement("iframe");
i.src = "/common/blank.html";
await new Promise(resolve => i.onload = () => t.step_timeout(resolve, 0));
const fromStart = i.contentWindow.navigation.currentEntry;
const recorder = new Recorder({
window: i.contentWindow,
finalExpectedEvent: "finished fulfilled 2"
const result1 = i.contentWindow.navigation.navigate(url);
recorder.setUpResultListeners(result1, " 1");
// Give the server time to send the response. This is not strictly
// necessary (the expectations are the same either way) but it's better
// coverage if the server is done responding by this time; it guarantees
// we're hitting the code path for "got a 204/etc. and ignored it" instead
// of "didn't get a response yet".
await new Promise(resolve => t.step_timeout(resolve, 50));
const result2 = i.contentWindow.navigation.navigate("#1");
recorder.setUpResultListeners(result2, " 2");
Promise.resolve().then(() => recorder.record("promise microtask"));
await recorder.readyToAssert;
/* event name, location.hash value, navigation.transition properties */
["navigate", "", null],
["AbortSignal abort", "", null],
["navigateerror", "", null],
["navigate", "", null],
["currententrychange", "#1", null],
["committed rejected 1", "#1", null],
["finished rejected 1", "#1", null],
["committed fulfilled 2", "#1", null],
["promise microtask", "#1", null],
["navigatesuccess", "#1", null],
["finished fulfilled 2", "#1", null]
}, `event and promise ordering when navigate() is to a ${description} and then to a same-document navigation`);