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<title>NetInfo basic functionality</title>
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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test(function() {
assert_in_array(navigator.connection.type, ["bluetooth", "cellular",
"ethernet", "mixed", "none", "other", "unknown", "wifi", "wimax"], 'type is unexpected');
}, "type attribute");
test(function() {
assert_in_array(navigator.connection.saveData, [false, true], 'saveData is unexpected');
}, "saveData attribute");
test(function() {
assert_greater_than_equal(navigator.connection.downlinkMax, 0);
}, "downlinkMax attribute");
test(function() {
assert_in_array(navigator.connection.effectiveType, ["slow-2g", "2g",
"3g", "4g"], 'effectiveType is unexpected');
}, "effectiveType attribute");
test(function() {
var rtt = navigator.connection.rtt;
assert_greater_than_equal(rtt, 0);
assert_less_than_equal(rtt, 3000);
assert_equals(rtt % 50, 0, 'rtt must be a multiple of 50 msec');
}, "rtt attribute");
test(function() {
var downlinkKbps = navigator.connection.downlink * 1000;
assert_greater_than_equal(downlinkKbps, 0);
assert_less_than_equal(downlinkKbps, 10000);
// Verify that downlinkKbps is a multiple of 50.
var quotient = parseInt(downlinkKbps / 50, 10);
// mod is the remainder left after dividing downlinkKbps by 50 while
// restricting the quotient to an integer. For example, if downlinkKbps is
// 1050, then mod will be 0. If downlinkKpbps is 1030, mod will be 30.
var mod = downlinkKbps - 50 * quotient;
assert_less_than_equal(0.0, mod, 'mod outside the range');
assert_greater_than(50.0, mod, 'mod outside the range');
// It is possible that mod is not exactly 0 because of floating point
// computations. e.g., downlinkKbps may be 99.999999, in which case mod
// will be 49.999999.
assert_true(mod < 1e-5 || (50-mod) < 1e-5, 'downlink must be a multiple of 50 kbps');
}, "downlink attribute");