Test that include_subdomains policies do NOT report successful requests
<script src='/resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='/resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
<script src='./support/nel.sub.js'></script>
nel_test(async t => {
// Make a request to a resource whose response headers include an
// include_subdomains NEL policy.
await fetchResourceWithIncludeSubdomainsPolicy();
// Make a request to another resource on a subdomain of the above, which
// does not define its own NEL policy.
await fetchResourceWithNoPolicy('www');
// The include_subdomains policy that we just received should NOT cover
// the second request, since include_subdomains policies can only report
// on DNS errors.
assert_false(await reportExists({
url: getURLForResourceWithNoPolicy('www'),
type: "network-error",