// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
// META: script=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js
'use strict';
// Spec: https://explainers-by-googlers.github.io/partitioned-popins/
// Step 1 (main-window) Set up listener to resolve messages as they come in.
// Step 2 (main-window) Open window for other origin.
// Step 3 (other-window) Write first-party cookies and report success.
// Step 4 (main-window) Embed iframe for other origin.
// Step 5 (main-iframe) Write third-party cookies and report success.
// Step 6 (main-window) Open partitioned popin for other origin.
// Step 7 (main-popin) Check for first-/third-party cookies and report success.
// Step 8 (main-window) Cleanup.
async_test(t => {
const id = String(Math.random());
// Step 1
window.addEventListener("message", t.step_func(e => {
switch (e.data.type) {
case 'window-set':
// Step 4
assert_equals(e.data.message, "Set first-party data");
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/partitioned-popins/resources/partitioned-popins.cookies-iframe.html?id="+id;
case 'iframe-set':
// Step 6
assert_equals(e.data.message, "Set third-party data");
window.open("https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/partitioned-popins/resources/partitioned-popins.cookies-popin.py?id="+id, '_blank', 'popin');
case 'popin-read':
// Step 8
// We want to see the same behavior a cross-site iframe would have, only SameSite=None available, with the ability to set additional cookies in the popin.
assert_equals(e.data.message, "ReadOnLoad:FirstPartyNone-ThirdPartyNone-,ReadOnFetch:FirstPartyNone-ThirdPartyNone-FirstPartyNonePopin-ThirdPartyNonePopin-,ReadOnDocument:FirstPartyNone-ThirdPartyNone-FirstPartyNonePopin-ThirdPartyNonePopin-");
// Step 2
window.open("https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/partitioned-popins/resources/partitioned-popins.cookies-window.html?id="+id, '_blank', 'popup');
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins only have access to third-party cookies");