
<!doctype html>
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<link rel="help" href="">
  updateWith() method - "abort the update"
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
setup({ explicit_done: true, explicit_timeout: true });

// PaymentMethod
const validMethod = Object.freeze({
  supportedMethods: "valid-but-wont-ever-match",

const validMethodBasicCard = Object.freeze({
  supportedMethods: "basic-card",

const applePay = Object.freeze({
  supportedMethods: "",
  data: {
    version: 3,
    merchantIdentifier: "",
    countryCode: "US",
    merchantCapabilities: ["supports3DS"],
    supportedNetworks: ["visa"],

// Methods
const validMethods = Object.freeze([validMethodBasicCard, validMethod, applePay]);

// Amounts
const validAmount = Object.freeze({
  currency: "USD",
  value: "1.00",

const invalidAmount = Object.freeze({
  currency: "¡INVALID!",
  value: "A1.0",

const negativeAmount = Object.freeze({
  currency: "USD",
  value: "-1.00",

// Totals
const validTotal = Object.freeze({
  label: "Valid Total",
  amount: validAmount,

const invalidTotal = Object.freeze({
  label: "Invalid Total",
  amount: invalidAmount,

const invalidNegativeTotal = Object.freeze({
  label: "Invalid negative total",
  amount: negativeAmount,

// PaymentDetailsInit
const validDetails = Object.freeze({
  total: validTotal,

const invalidDetailsNegativeTotal = Object.freeze({
  total: invalidNegativeTotal,

// PaymentOptions
const validOptions = Object.freeze({
  requestShipping: true,

// PaymentItem
const validPaymentItem = Object.freeze({
  amount: validAmount,
  label: "Valid payment item",

const invalidPaymentItem = Object.freeze({
  amount: invalidAmount,
  label: "Invalid payment item",

// PaymentItem
const validPaymentItems = Object.freeze([validPaymentItem]);
const invalidPaymentItems = Object.freeze([invalidPaymentItem]);

// PaymentShippingOption
const invalidShippingOption = Object.freeze({
  id: "abc",
  label: "Invalid shipping option",
  amount: invalidAmount,
  selected: true,

// PaymentShippingOptions
const validShippingOption = Object.freeze({
  id: "abc",
  label: "valid shipping option",
  amount: validAmount,

const validShippingOptions = Object.freeze([validShippingOption]);
const invalidShippingOptions = Object.freeze([invalidShippingOption]);

// PaymentDetailsModifier
const validModifier = Object.freeze({
  additionalDisplayItems: validPaymentItems,
  supportedMethods: "valid-but-wont-ever-match",
  total: validTotal,

const modifierWithInvalidDisplayItems = Object.freeze({
  additionalDisplayItems: invalidPaymentItems,
  supportedMethods: "basic-card",
  total: validTotal,

const modifierWithValidDisplayItems = Object.freeze({
  additionalDisplayItems: validPaymentItems,
  supportedMethods: "basic-card",
  total: validTotal,

const modifierWithInvalidTotal = Object.freeze({
  additionalDisplayItems: validPaymentItems,
  supportedMethods: "basic-card",
  total: invalidTotal,

const recursiveData = {}; = recursiveData;

const modifierWithRecursiveData = Object.freeze({
  supportedMethods: "basic-card",
  total: validTotal,
  data: recursiveData,

function testBadUpdate(button, badDetails, expectedError, errorCode) {
  button.disabled = true;
  promise_test(async t => {
    const request = new PaymentRequest(
    request.onshippingaddresschange = event => {
    // First we check the bad update.
    const acceptPromise =;
    let test_func;
    if (typeof expectedError == "function") {
      test_func = promise_rejects_js;
    } else {
      test_func = promise_rejects_dom;
    await test_func(
      "badDetails must cause acceptPromise to reject with expectedError"
    // The request [[state]] is now "closed", so let's check for InvalidStateError
    await promise_rejects_dom(
      "show() must reject with InvalidStateError"
  }, button.innerText.trim());
<h2>updateWith() method - "abort the update"</h2>
  Click on each button in sequence from top to bottom without refreshing the page.
  Each button will bring up the Payment Request UI window.
  When the payment sheet is shown, change the shipping address.
    <button onclick="
      const rejectedPromise = Promise.reject(new SyntaxError('test'));
      testBadUpdate(this, rejectedPromise, 'AbortError');
      Rejection of detailsPromise must abort the update with an "AbortError" DOMException.
    <button onclick="
      const invalidDetails = { total: `this will cause a TypeError!` };
      testBadUpdate(this, invalidDetails, TypeError);
      Total in the update is a string, so converting to IDL must abort the update with a TypeError.
    <button onclick="
      const invalidDetails = { total: recursiveData };
      testBadUpdate(this, invalidDetails, TypeError);
      Total is recursive, so converting to IDL must abort the update with a TypeError.
    <button onclick="
      testBadUpdate(this, invalidDetailsNegativeTotal, TypeError);
      Updating with a negative total results in a TypeError.
    <button onclick="
      const badDetails = Object.assign({}, validDetails, { displayItems: invalidPaymentItems });
      testBadUpdate(this, badDetails, RangeError);
      Updating with a displayItem with an invalid currency results in RangeError.
    <button onclick="
      const duplicateShippingOptions = [validShippingOption, validShippingOption];
      const badDetails = Object.assign({}, validDetails, { shippingOptions: duplicateShippingOptions });
      testBadUpdate(this, badDetails, TypeError);
      Updating with duplicate shippingOptions (same IDs) results in a TypeError.
    <button onclick="
      const badDetails = Object.assign({}, validDetails, { shippingOptions: invalidShippingOptions });
      testBadUpdate(this, badDetails, RangeError);
      Updating with a shippingOption with an invalid currency value results in a RangError.
    <button onclick="
      // validModifier is there as to avoid false positives - it should just get ignored
      const badModifiers = { modifiers: [ modifierWithInvalidTotal, validModifier ] };
      const badDetails = Object.assign({}, validDetails, badModifiers);
      testBadUpdate(this, badDetails, RangeError);
      Must throw a RangeError when a modifier's total item has an invalid currency.
    <button onclick="
      // validModifier is there as to avoid false positives - it should just get ignored
      const badModifiers = { modifiers: [ modifierWithInvalidDisplayItems, validModifier ] };
      const badDetails = Object.assign({}, validDetails, badModifiers);
      testBadUpdate(this, badDetails, RangeError);
      Must throw a RangeError when a modifier display item has an invalid currency.
    <button onclick="
      // validModifier is there as to avoid false positives - it should just get ignored
      const badModifiers = { modifiers: [ modifierWithRecursiveData, validModifier ] };
      const badDetails = Object.assign({}, validDetails, badModifiers);
      testBadUpdate(this, badDetails, TypeError);
      Must throw as Modifier has a recursive dictionary.
    <button onclick="done();">Done!</button>
  If you find a buggy test, please <a href="">file a bug</a>
  and tag one of the <a href="">suggested reviewers</a>.