<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf8">
<link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/payment-request/#user-accepts-the-payment-request-algorithm">
User accepts the payment request algorithm
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
setup({ explicit_done: true, explicit_timeout: true });
const applePay = Object.freeze({
supportedMethods: "https://apple.com/apple-pay",
data: {
version: 3,
merchantIdentifier: "merchant.com.example",
countryCode: "US",
merchantCapabilities: ["supports3DS"],
supportedNetworks: ["visa"],
const basicCardMethod = Object.freeze({
supportedMethods: "basic-card",
const validMethod = Object.freeze({
supportedMethods: "this-is-just-for-testings-will-never-match",
const methods = Object.freeze([basicCardMethod, validMethod, applePay]);
const validAmount = Object.freeze({
currency: "USD",
value: "5.00",
const shippingOptions = [
id: "option1",
label: "Option 1",
amount: validAmount,
selected: false,
id: "option 2",
label: "Option 2",
amount: validAmount,
selected: true,
const detailsNoShippingOptions = Object.freeze({
total: {
label: "Total due",
amount: validAmount,
const detailsWithShippingOptions = Object.assign({}, detailsNoShippingOptions, {
const optionsRequestNothing = Object.freeze({
requestShipping: false,
requestPayerEmail: false,
requestPayerName: false,
requestPayerPhone: false,
const optionsRequestEverything = Object.freeze({
requestShipping: true,
requestPayerEmail: true,
requestPayerName: true,
requestPayerPhone: true,
test(() => {
// smoke test
try {
new PaymentRequest(methods, detailsNoShippingOptions);
} catch (err) {
throw err;
}, "Must be able to construct a payment request (smoke test)");
function testAcceptRequestAlgorithm(
options = {},
expectedResponse = {}
) {
button.disabled = true;
promise_test(async t => {
const request = new PaymentRequest(methods, details, options);
const response = await request.show();
response instanceof PaymentResponse,
"Expected an instance of PaymentResponse."
// Response [[calledComplete]] is false, so this shouldn't throw
await response.complete("success");
// For good measure, test that subsequent complete()
for (const state of [undefined, "success", "fail", "unknown"]) {
await promise_rejects_dom(
"Response [[calledComplete]] is true, so InvalidStateError"
"Request and response ids must match."
assert_true(response.details instanceof Object, "Expected an object");
"Request and response must reference same shippingAddress (or both null)."
"Request and response must be the same value (or both null)."
if (options.requestShipping === true) {
response.shippingAddress instanceof ContactAddress,
"Expected an instance of ContactAddress."
const expected = {
methodName: "basic-card",
payerEmail: options.requestPayerEmail
? expectedResponse.payerEmail
: null,
payerName: options.requestPayerName ? expectedResponse.payerName : null,
payerPhone: options.requestPayerPhone
? expectedResponse.payerPhone
: null,
for (const [attr, expectedValue] of Object.entries(expected)) {
`response.${attr} must be ${expectedValue}`
await promise_rejects_dom(
"Request [[state]] is closed, so InvalidStateError"
}, button.textContent.trim());
<h2 id="user-accepts-payment-request">User accepts payment request</h2>
Click on each button in sequence from top to bottom without refreshing the page.
Each button will bring up the Payment Request UI window.
When shown the payment sheet, please input a credit card and select Pay.
<button onclick="
const detailsWithId = Object.assign({}, detailsNoShippingOptions, { id: 'pass' });
testAcceptRequestAlgorithm(this, detailsWithId, optionsRequestNothing);">
User accepts payment request, but not shipping is requested.
</button> Use any credit card to pay.
<button onclick="
const requestShipping = Object.assign({}, optionsRequestNothing, {requestShipping: true});
const expectedValues = { shippingOption: 'option 2' };
testAcceptRequestAlgorithm(this, detailsWithShippingOptions, requestShipping, expectedValues);">
User accepts payment request, merchant requests shipping.
</button> Select any shipping option, and use any credit card to pay.
<button onclick="
const requestPayerEmail = Object.assign({}, optionsRequestNothing, {requestPayerEmail: true});
const expectValues = { payerEmail: '[email protected]' };
testAcceptRequestAlgorithm(this, detailsNoShippingOptions, requestPayerEmail, expectValues);">
User accepts payment request, merchant requests email.
When prompted, please use "[email protected]" as the email.
<button onclick="
const requestPayerPhone = Object.assign({}, optionsRequestNothing, {requestPayerPhone: true});
const expectValues = { payerPhone: '+12345678910' };
testAcceptRequestAlgorithm(this, detailsNoShippingOptions, requestPayerPhone, expectValues);">
User accepts payment request, merchant requests phone.
When prompted, please use "+12345678910" as the phone number.
<button onclick="
const requestPayerName = Object.assign({}, optionsRequestNothing, {requestPayerName: true});
const expectValues = { payerName: 'web platform test' };
testAcceptRequestAlgorithm(this, detailsNoShippingOptions, requestPayerName, expectValues);">
User accepts payment request, merchant requests payer's name.
When prompted, please use "web platform test" as the payer name.
<button onclick="
const expectValues = {
payerEmail: '[email protected]',
payerName: 'web platform test',
payerPhone: '+12345678910',
shippingOption: 'option 2',
testAcceptRequestAlgorithm(this, detailsWithShippingOptions, optionsRequestEverything, expectValues);">
User accepts payment request, merchant requests everything.
When prompted, please use: "+12345678910" as the phone number, "web platform test" as the payer name, and "[email protected]" as the email. Then press Pay.
<button onclick="done()">Done</button>
If you find a buggy test, please <a href="https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/issues">file a bug</a>
and tag one of the <a href="https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/blob/master/payment-request/META.yml">suggested reviewers</a>.