// META: title=Aborting a parser should block bfcache
// META: script=./test-helper.js
// META: timeout=long
async_test(t => {
if (!sessionStorage.getItem("pageVisited")) {
// This is the first time loading the page.
sessionStorage.setItem("pageVisited", 1);
t.step_timeout(() => {
// Go to another page and instantly come back to this page.
location.href = new URL("../resources/going-back.html", window.location);
}, 0);
// Abort parsing in the middle of loading the page.
} else {
const nrr = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0].notRestoredReasons;
assert_true(ReasonsInclude(nrr.reasons, "parser-aborted"));
}, "aborting a parser should block bfcache.");