// META: title=RemoteContextHelper navigation using BFCache
// META: script=./test-helper.js
// META: script=/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js
// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/back-forward-cache/resources/rc-helper.js
// META: script=/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/remote-context-helper/resources/remote-context-helper.js
// META: script=/websockets/constants.sub.js
// META: timeout=long
'use strict';
// Ensure that empty attributes are reported as empty strings and missing
// attributes are reported as null.
promise_test(async t => {
const rcHelper = new RemoteContextHelper();
// Open a window with noopener so that BFCache will work.
const rc1 = await rcHelper.addWindow(
/*config=*/ null, /*options=*/ {features: 'noopener'});
const rc1_url = await rc1.executeScript(() => {
return location.href;
// Add a cross-origin iframe.
const rc1_child = await rc1.addIframe(
/*extraConfig=*/ {
scripts: [],
headers: [],
/*attributes=*/ {id: '', name: ''},
// Use WebSocket to block BFCache.
await useWebSocket(rc1);
const rc1_child_url = await rc1_child.executeScript(() => {
return location.href;
// Check the BFCache result and the reported reasons.
await assertBFCacheEligibility(rc1, /*shouldRestoreFromBFCache=*/ false);
await assertNotRestoredReasonsEquals(
/*url=*/ rc1_url,
/*src=*/ null,
/*id=*/ null,
/*name=*/ null,
/*reasons=*/[{'reason': 'websocket'}],
'url': null,
'src': rc1_child_url,
// Id and name should be empty.
'id': '',
'name': '',
'reasons': null,
'children': null