
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
  <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
  <script src=/common/get-host-info.sub.js></script>
  <script src="../resources/include-frames-helper.js"></script>

    const verifyMainFrameEntries = (entries, description = '') => {
      let filterOptions = [
        createFilterOption('include-frames-originA-B-A', 'navigation', 1, 'Main Frame', description),
        createFilterOption('include-frames-subframe', 'resource', 1, 'Main Frame', description),

      verifyEntries(entries, filterOptions);

    const verifyChildFrameEntries = (entries) => {
      let filterOptions = [
        createFilterOption('include-frames-subframe', 'navigation', 0, 'Child Frame'),
        createFilterOption('child-frame.html', 'resource', 0, 'Child Frame'),

      verifyEntries(entries, filterOptions);

    const verifyGrandchildFrameEntries = (entries) => {
      let filterOptions = [
        createFilterOption('child-frame.html', 'navigation', 1, 'Grandchild Frame'),
        createFilterOption('mark_child_frame', 'mark', 1, 'Grandchild frame')

      verifyEntries(entries, filterOptions);

    promise_test(async () => {


      // Load a child frame. The child frame upon loading would load a child frame of its own.
      await loadChildFrameAndGrandchildFrame(get_host_info().REMOTE_ORIGIN +
        '/performance-timeline/resources/include-frames-subframe.html?origin=' + get_host_info().ORIGIN);

      const entries = performance.getEntries({ includeChildFrames: true });

      const navigationEntries = performance.getEntries({ entryType: "navigation", includeChildFrames: true });

      const markedEntries = performance.getEntries(
        { name: 'mark_child_frame', includeChildFrames: true });




      // 1 entry for main frame, 1 for grandchild frame.
      assert_equals(navigationEntries.length, 2, 'Navigation entries should be 2.');

      // 1 entry for grandchild frame.
      assert_equals(markedEntries.length, 1, 'Mark entries should be 1.');

      // Test cases where includeChildFrames is false.
      const entriesWithNoFitlerOptions = performance.getEntries();

      const entriesWithoutIncludingChildFrames = performance.getEntries({ includeChildFrames: false });

      const navigationEntriesWithoutIncludingChildFrames = performance.getEntries({ entryType: "navigation", includeChildFrames: false });

      const markedEntriesWithoutIncludingChildFrames = performance.getEntries(
        { name: 'mark_child_frame', includeChildFrames: false });

      verifyMainFrameEntries(entriesWithNoFitlerOptions, 'with no filter options.');

      verifyMainFrameEntries(entriesWithoutIncludingChildFrames, 'with includeChildFrame being false.');

      // 1 entry for main frame.
      assert_equals(navigationEntriesWithoutIncludingChildFrames.length, 1,
        'Navigation entries with includeChildFrame being false should be 1.');

      // 0 entry since grandchild frame is not included.
      assert_equals(markedEntriesWithoutIncludingChildFrames.length, 0,
        'Mark entries with includeChildFrame being false should be 0.');

    }, 'GetEntries of a document of origin A, its child frame of origin B and \
    its grandchild frame of origin A.');