Codebase Browser
;; expected = ";; This is a polyglot C++/WAT file.\n;; Comment lines are ignored and not expected in the disassembler output.\n(module\n ;; TODO(jkummerow): This type name is missing from the disassembler ouput.\n ;; (type $type_with_name (;0;) (func (param f32)))\n (global $imported_global_with_name (;0;) (import \"env\" \"imported_global\") i32)\n (func $imported_function_with_name (;0;) (import \"env\" \"imported_function\"))\n (table $table_with_name (;0;) 0 funcref)\n (memory $memory_with_name (;0;) 0)\n (global $global_with_name (;1;) i32 (i32.const 0))\n (global $exported_global_with_name (;2;) (export \"exported_global\") i32 (i32.const 0))\n (elem $elem_with_name (;0;) (ref func) (ref.func $function_with_name))\n (func $function_with_name (;1;) (param $param_with_name_1 (;0;) i32) (param $param_with_name_2 (;1;) i32) (param $param_with_name_3 (;2;) i64)\n local.get $param_with_name_1\n drop\n local.get $param_with_name_2\n drop\n local.get $param_with_name_3\n drop\n )\n (func $exported_function_with_name (;2;) (export \"exported_function\")\n ;; Local variables.\n (local $local_with_name_1 i32)\n (local $local_with_name_2 i32)\n (local $local_with_name_3 i64)\n local.get $local_with_name_1\n drop\n local.get $local_with_name_2\n drop\n local.get $local_with_name_3\n drop\n )\n ;; TODO(jkummerow): Functions with a named type are printed with their type\n ;; inline instead of as follows.\n ;; (func $another_function (;3;) (type $type_with_name)\n ;; )\n ;; For compatibility with the legacy DevTools behavior, we don't print data\n ;; segment names. If we change that, uncomment the following line.\n ;; (data $data_with_name (;0;) (i32.const 0) \"foo\\0a\\00\")\n (data (i32.const 0) \"foo\\0a\\00\")\n)\n;;";