
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "cbor.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <stack>

namespace v8_crdtp {
namespace cbor {
namespace {
// Indicates the number of bits the "initial byte" needs to be shifted to the
// right after applying |kMajorTypeMask| to produce the major type in the
// lowermost bits.
static constexpr uint8_t kMajorTypeBitShift =;
// Mask selecting the low-order 5 bits of the "initial byte", which is where
// the additional information is encoded.
static constexpr uint8_t kAdditionalInformationMask =;
// Mask selecting the high-order 3 bits of the "initial byte", which indicates
// the major type of the encoded value.
static constexpr uint8_t kMajorTypeMask =;
// Indicates the integer is in the following byte.
static constexpr uint8_t kAdditionalInformation1Byte =;
// Indicates the integer is in the next 2 bytes.
static constexpr uint8_t kAdditionalInformation2Bytes =;
// Indicates the integer is in the next 4 bytes.
static constexpr uint8_t kAdditionalInformation4Bytes =;
// Indicates the integer is in the next 8 bytes.
static constexpr uint8_t kAdditionalInformation8Bytes =;

// Encodes the initial byte, consisting of the |type| in the first 3 bits
// followed by 5 bits of |additional_info|.
constexpr uint8_t EncodeInitialByte(MajorType type, uint8_t additional_info) {}

// TAG 24 indicates that what follows is a byte string which is
// encoded in CBOR format. We use this as a wrapper for
// maps and arrays, allowing us to skip them, because the
// byte string carries its size (byte length).
static constexpr uint8_t kInitialByteForEnvelope =;

// The standalone byte for "envelope" tag, to follow kInitialByteForEnvelope
// in the correct implementation, as it is above in-tag value max (which is
// also, confusingly, 24). See EnvelopeHeader::Parse() for more.
static constexpr uint8_t kCBOREnvelopeTag =;

// The initial byte for a byte string with at most 2^32 bytes
// of payload. This is used for envelope encoding, even if
// the byte string is shorter.
static constexpr uint8_t kInitialByteFor32BitLengthByteString =;

// See RFC 7049 Section 2.2.1, indefinite length arrays / maps have additional
// info = 31.
static constexpr uint8_t kInitialByteIndefiniteLengthArray =;
static constexpr uint8_t kInitialByteIndefiniteLengthMap =;
// See RFC 7049 Section 2.3, Table 1; this is used for finishing indefinite
// length maps / arrays.
static constexpr uint8_t kStopByte =;

// See RFC 7049 Section 2.3, Table 2.
static constexpr uint8_t kEncodedTrue =;
static constexpr uint8_t kEncodedFalse =;
static constexpr uint8_t kEncodedNull =;
static constexpr uint8_t kInitialByteForDouble =;

// See RFC 7049 Table 3 and Section This is used as a prefix for
// arbitrary binary data encoded as BYTE_STRING.
static constexpr uint8_t kExpectedConversionToBase64Tag =;

// Writes the bytes for |v| to |out|, starting with the most significant byte.
// See also:
template <typename T>
void WriteBytesMostSignificantByteFirst(T v, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

// Extracts sizeof(T) bytes from |in| to extract a value of type T
// (e.g. uint64_t, uint32_t, ...), most significant byte first.
// See also:
template <typename T>
T ReadBytesMostSignificantByteFirst(span<uint8_t> in) {}
}  // namespace

namespace internals {
// Reads the start of a token with definitive size from |bytes|.
// |type| is the major type as specified in RFC 7049 Section 2.1.
// |value| is the payload (e.g. for MajorType::UNSIGNED) or is the size
// (e.g. for BYTE_STRING).
// If successful, returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise returns 0.
size_t ReadTokenStart(span<uint8_t> bytes, MajorType* type, uint64_t* value) {}

// Writes the start of a token with |type|. The |value| may indicate the size,
// or it may be the payload if the value is an unsigned integer.
void WriteTokenStart(MajorType type,
                     uint64_t value,
                     std::vector<uint8_t>* encoded) {}
}  // namespace internals

// =============================================================================
// Detecting CBOR content
// =============================================================================

bool IsCBORMessage(span<uint8_t> msg) {}

Status CheckCBORMessage(span<uint8_t> msg) {}

// =============================================================================
// Encoding invidiual CBOR items
// =============================================================================

uint8_t EncodeTrue() {}

uint8_t EncodeFalse() {}

uint8_t EncodeNull() {}

uint8_t EncodeIndefiniteLengthArrayStart() {}

uint8_t EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart() {}

uint8_t EncodeStop() {}

void EncodeInt32(int32_t value, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

void EncodeString16(span<uint16_t> in, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

void EncodeString8(span<uint8_t> in, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

void EncodeFromLatin1(span<uint8_t> latin1, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

void EncodeFromUTF16(span<uint16_t> utf16, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

void EncodeBinary(span<uint8_t> in, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

// A double is encoded with a specific initial byte
// (kInitialByteForDouble) plus the 64 bits of payload for its value.
constexpr size_t kEncodedDoubleSize =;

void EncodeDouble(double value, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

// =============================================================================
// cbor::EnvelopeEncoder - for wrapping submessages
// =============================================================================

void EnvelopeEncoder::EncodeStart(std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

bool EnvelopeEncoder::EncodeStop(std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {}

// static
StatusOr<EnvelopeHeader> EnvelopeHeader::Parse(span<uint8_t> in) {}

// static
StatusOr<EnvelopeHeader> EnvelopeHeader::ParseFromFragment(span<uint8_t> in) {}

// =============================================================================
// cbor::NewCBOREncoder - for encoding from a streaming parser
// =============================================================================

namespace {
class CBOREncoder : public ParserHandler {};
}  // namespace

std::unique_ptr<ParserHandler> NewCBOREncoder(std::vector<uint8_t>* out,
                                              Status* status) {}

// =============================================================================
// cbor::CBORTokenizer - for parsing individual CBOR items
// =============================================================================

CBORTokenizer::CBORTokenizer(span<uint8_t> bytes)

CBORTokenizer::~CBORTokenizer() {}

CBORTokenTag CBORTokenizer::TokenTag() const {}

void CBORTokenizer::Next() {}

void CBORTokenizer::EnterEnvelope() {}

Status CBORTokenizer::Status() const {}

// The following accessor functions ::GetInt32, ::GetDouble,
// ::GetString8, ::GetString16WireRep, ::GetBinary, ::GetEnvelopeContents
// assume that a particular token was recognized in ::ReadNextToken.
// That's where all the error checking is done. By design,
// the accessors (assuming the token was recognized) never produce
// an error.

int32_t CBORTokenizer::GetInt32() const {}

double CBORTokenizer::GetDouble() const {}

span<uint8_t> CBORTokenizer::GetString8() const {}

span<uint8_t> CBORTokenizer::GetString16WireRep() const {}

span<uint8_t> CBORTokenizer::GetBinary() const {}

span<uint8_t> CBORTokenizer::GetEnvelope() const {}

span<uint8_t> CBORTokenizer::GetEnvelopeContents() const {}

const EnvelopeHeader& CBORTokenizer::GetEnvelopeHeader() const {}

// All error checking happens in ::ReadNextToken, so that the accessors
// can avoid having to carry an error return value.
// With respect to checking the encoded lengths of strings, arrays, etc:
// On the wire, CBOR uses 1,2,4, and 8 byte unsigned integers, so
// we initially read them as uint64_t, usually into token_start_internal_value_.
// However, since these containers have a representation on the machine,
// we need to do corresponding size computations on the input byte array,
// output span (e.g. the payload for a string), etc., and size_t is
// machine specific (in practice either 32 bit or 64 bit).
// Further, we must avoid overflowing size_t. Therefore, we use this
// kMaxValidLength constant to:
// - Reject values that are larger than the architecture specific
//   max size_t (differs between 32 bit and 64 bit arch).
// - Reserve at least one bit so that we can check against overflows
//   when adding lengths (array / string length / etc.); we do this by
//   ensuring that the inputs to an addition are <= kMaxValidLength,
//   and then checking whether the sum went past it.
// See also
static const uint64_t kMaxValidLength =;

void CBORTokenizer::ReadNextToken() {}

void CBORTokenizer::SetToken(CBORTokenTag token_tag, size_t token_byte_length) {}

void CBORTokenizer::SetError(Error error) {}

// =============================================================================
// cbor::ParseCBOR - for receiving streaming parser events for CBOR messages
// =============================================================================

namespace {
// When parsing CBOR, we limit recursion depth for objects and arrays
// to this constant.
static constexpr int kStackLimit =;

// Below are three parsing routines for CBOR, which cover enough
// to roundtrip JSON messages.
bool ParseMap(int32_t stack_depth,
              CBORTokenizer* tokenizer,
              ParserHandler* out);
bool ParseArray(int32_t stack_depth,
                CBORTokenizer* tokenizer,
                ParserHandler* out);
bool ParseValue(int32_t stack_depth,
                CBORTokenizer* tokenizer,
                ParserHandler* out);

void ParseUTF16String(CBORTokenizer* tokenizer, ParserHandler* out) {}

bool ParseUTF8String(CBORTokenizer* tokenizer, ParserHandler* out) {}

bool ParseEnvelope(int32_t stack_depth,
                   CBORTokenizer* tokenizer,
                   ParserHandler* out) {}

bool ParseValue(int32_t stack_depth,
                CBORTokenizer* tokenizer,
                ParserHandler* out) {}

// |bytes| must start with the indefinite length array byte, so basically,
// ParseArray may only be called after an indefinite length array has been
// detected.
bool ParseArray(int32_t stack_depth,
                CBORTokenizer* tokenizer,
                ParserHandler* out) {}

// |bytes| must start with the indefinite length array byte, so basically,
// ParseArray may only be called after an indefinite length array has been
// detected.
bool ParseMap(int32_t stack_depth,
              CBORTokenizer* tokenizer,
              ParserHandler* out) {}
}  // namespace

void ParseCBOR(span<uint8_t> bytes, ParserHandler* out) {}

// =============================================================================
// cbor::AppendString8EntryToMap - for limited in-place editing of messages
// =============================================================================

Status AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(span<uint8_t> string8_key,
                                   span<uint8_t> string8_value,
                                   std::vector<uint8_t>* cbor) {}
}  // namespace cbor
}  // namespace v8_crdtp