
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains implementations of a few macros that are defined
// as external in Torque, so that generated debug code can work.


#include "src/numbers/integer-literal.h"
#include "src/objects/smi.h"
#include "tools/debug_helper/debug-helper-internal.h"

// For Object::ReadField<T>.
#define READ_FIELD_OR_FAIL(Type, destination, accessor, object, offset)

// For TaggedField<T>::load.
#define READ_TAGGED_FIELD_OR_FAIL(destination, accessor, object, offset)

// Process Value struct.
#define ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(dest, val)

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace debug_helper_internal {
namespace TorqueDebugMacroShims {
namespace CodeStubAssembler {

inline Value<bool> BoolConstant(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, bool b) {}
inline Value<intptr_t> ChangeInt32ToIntPtr(d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                                           int32_t i) {}
inline Value<uintptr_t> ChangeUint32ToWord(d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                                           uint32_t u) {}
inline Value<intptr_t> IntPtrAdd(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, intptr_t a,
                                 intptr_t b) {}
inline Value<intptr_t> IntPtrMul(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, intptr_t a,
                                 intptr_t b) {}
inline Value<bool> IntPtrLessThan(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, intptr_t a,
                                  intptr_t b) {}
inline Value<bool> IntPtrLessThanOrEqual(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, intptr_t a,
                                         intptr_t b) {}
inline Value<intptr_t> Signed(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, uintptr_t u) {}
inline Value<int32_t> SmiUntag(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, uintptr_t s_t) {}
inline Value<uintptr_t> SmiFromInt32(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, int32_t i) {}
inline Value<bool> UintPtrLessThan(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, uintptr_t a,
                                   uintptr_t b) {}
inline Value<uint32_t> Unsigned(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, int32_t s) {}
inline Value<uintptr_t> Unsigned(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, intptr_t s) {}
inline Value<bool> Word32Equal(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, uint32_t a,
                               uint32_t b) {}
inline Value<bool> Word32NotEqual(d::MemoryAccessor accessor, uint32_t a,
                                  uint32_t b) {}
// This is used in a nested call where we cannot pass Value<int32_t>.
inline int31_t ConstexprIntegerLiteralToInt31(d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                                              const IntegerLiteral& i) {}
inline int32_t ConstexprIntegerLiteralToInt32(d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                                              const IntegerLiteral& i) {}
inline intptr_t ConstexprIntegerLiteralToIntptr(d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                                                const IntegerLiteral& i) {}

}  // namespace CodeStubAssembler
}  // namespace TorqueDebugMacroShims
}  // namespace debug_helper_internal
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8