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<title>Monitoring incoming presentation connections</title>
<link rel="author" title="Tomoyuki Shimizu" href="https://github.com/tomoyukilabs">
<link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/presentation-api/#monitoring-incoming-presentation-connections">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../common.js"></script>
<script src="stash.js"></script>
const stash = new Stash(stashIds.toReceiver, stashIds.toController);
add_completion_callback((tests, status) => {
const log = document.getElementById('log');
stash.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'result', tests: tests, status: status, log: log.innerHTML }));
promise_test(t => {
const receiver = navigator.presentation.receiver;
return receiver.connectionList.then(list => {
let connections = list.connections;
let number = connections.length;
const checkConnectionList = (connection, action) => {
assert_equals(connections.length, number, 'PresentationConnectionList.connections is a frozen array.');
// Note: When a presentation is terminated, a receiving user agent unloads a document
// without firing a "terminate" event.
return receiver.connectionList.then(list => {
connections = list.connections;
if (action === 'close') {
assert_true(connections.length === number - 1 && !connections.includes(connection),
'A closed presentation connection is removed from the set of presentation controllers.');
} else if (action === 'connect') {
assert_true(connections.length === number + 1 && connections.includes(connection),
'A new presentation connection is added to the set of presentation controllers.');
number = connections.length;
const checkEvent = evt => {
assert_true(evt instanceof PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent, 'An event using PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent is fired.');
assert_true(evt.isTrusted, 'The event is a trusted event.');
assert_false(evt.bubbles, 'The event does not bubbles.');
assert_false(evt.cancelable, 'The event is not cancelable.');
assert_equals(evt.type, 'connectionavailable', 'The event name is "connectionavailable".');
assert_equals(evt.target, list, 'event.target is the presentation connection list.');
assert_true(evt.connection instanceof PresentationConnection, 'event.connection is a presentation connection.');
return checkConnectionList(evt.connection, 'connect');
const watchEvent = (obj, watcher, type) => {
const watchHandler = new Promise(resolve => {
obj['on' + type] = evt => { resolve(evt); };
return Promise.all([ watchHandler, watcher.wait_for(type) ]).then(results => {
assert_equals(results[0], results[1], 'Both on' + type + ' and addEventListener pass the same event object.');
return results[0];
// Step 1: check the first connection in "connected" state
let connection = list.connections[0];
assert_equals(number, 1, 'A presentation connection list is populated with a first presentation connection.');
assert_true(list instanceof PresentationConnectionList, 'navigator.presentation.receiver.connectionList is resolved with a presentation connection list.');
assert_true(list.connections instanceof Array, 'A presentation connection list is an array.');
assert_true(connection instanceof PresentationConnection, 'A presentation connection is added to a presentation connection list.');
// Step 2: check the connection in "closed" state
stash.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'ok' }));
let eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, connection, 'close');
return eventWatcher.wait_for('close').then(() => {
return checkConnectionList(connection, 'close');
// Step 3: check the first connection when reconnected
.then(() => {
stash.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'ok' }));
eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, list, 'connectionavailable');
return watchEvent(list, eventWatcher, 'connectionavailable')
// Step 4: check the second connection (with <iframe>) in "connected" state
.then(() => {
stash.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'ok' }));
return watchEvent(list, eventWatcher, 'connectionavailable')