
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Receiving a message through PresentationConnection</title>
<link rel="author" title="Tomoyuki Shimizu" href="">
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../common.js"></script>
<script src="stash.js"></script>

setup({explicit_timeout: true});

const message1 = '1st';
const message2 = '2nd';
const message3 = new Uint8Array([51, 114, 100]);      // "3rd"
const message4 = new Uint8Array([52, 116, 104]);      // "4th"
const message5 = new Uint8Array([108, 97, 115, 116]); // "last"

const toUint8Array = buf => {
  return buf instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buf) : buf;

// compare two ArrayBuffer or Uint8Array
const compare = (a, b) => {
  const p = toUint8Array(a);
  const q = toUint8Array(b);
  return !!p && !!q && p.every((item, index) => { return item === q[index]; });

const stash = new Stash(stashIds.toReceiver, stashIds.toController);

add_completion_callback((tests, status) => {
  const log = document.getElementById('log');
  stash.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'result', tests: tests, status: status, log: log.innerHTML }));

navigator.presentation.receiver.connectionList.then(list => {
  const checkEvent = event => {
    assert_true(event.isTrusted, 'a trusted event is fired');
    assert_true(event instanceof MessageEvent, 'The event uses the MessageEvent interface');
    assert_false(event.bubbles, 'the event does not bubble');
    assert_false(event.cancelable, 'the event is not cancelable');

  const watchEvent = (obj, watcher, type) => {
    const watchHandler = new Promise(resolve => {
      obj['on' + type] = evt => { resolve(evt); };
    return Promise.all([ watchHandler, watcher.wait_for(type) ]).then(results => {
      assert_equals(results[0], results[1], 'Both on' + type + ' and addEventListener pass the same event object.');
      return results[0];

  const connection = list.connections[0];

  promise_test(t => {
    t.step_timeout(() => {
    }, 3000);

    assert_equals(connection.binaryType, 'arraybuffer', 'the default value of binaryType is "arraybuffer"');
    const eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, connection, 'message');
    return eventWatcher.wait_for('message').then(event => {
      assert_equals(, message1, 'receive a string correctly');
      return watchEvent(connection, eventWatcher, 'message');
    }).then(event => {
      assert_equals(, message2, 'receive a string correctly');
      return watchEvent(connection, eventWatcher, 'message');
    }).then(event => {
      assert_true( instanceof ArrayBuffer, 'receive binary data as ArrayBuffer');
      assert_true(compare(, message3), 'receive an ArrayBuffer correctly (originally a Blob at a controlling user agent)');
      return watchEvent(connection, eventWatcher, 'message');
    }).then(event => {
      assert_true( instanceof ArrayBuffer, 'receive binary data as ArrayBuffer');
      assert_true(compare(, message4), 'receive an ArrayBuffer correctly (originally an ArrayBuffer at a controlling user agent)');
      return watchEvent(connection, eventWatcher, 'message');
    }).then(event => {
      assert_true( instanceof ArrayBuffer, 'receive binary data as ArrayBuffer');
      assert_true(compare(, message5), 'receive an ArrayBuffer correctly (originally an ArrayBufferView at a controlling user agent)');

      connection.binaryType = 'blob';
      return Promise.all([
        stash.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'blob' })),
        watchEvent(connection, eventWatcher, 'message')
      ]).then(results => results[1]);
    }).then(event => {
      assert_true( instanceof Blob, 'receive binary data as Blob');
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          const reader = new FileReader();
          reader.onload = resolve;
          reader.onerror = reject;
    }).then(event => {
      assert_true(compare(, message5), 'receive a Blob correctly');