<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Creating a receiving browsing context</title>
<link rel="author" title="Tomoyuki Shimizu" href="https://github.com/tomoyukilabs/">
<link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/presentation-api/#creating-a-receiving-browsing-context">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<p id="notice">Checking <code id="modal"></code>: if you see this message, please wait for test to time out.</p>
add_completion_callback((tests, status) => {
// remove unserializable attributes, then send the result to the parent window
// note: a single test result is supposed to appear here.
type: 'presentation-api', test: tests[0], status: status
})), location.origin);
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if(event.data !== 'start')
promise_test(t => {
const notice = document.getElementById('notice');
const modal = document.getElementById('modal');
// Presentation and PresentationReceiver
assert_true(navigator.presentation instanceof Presentation, 'navigator.presentation in a nested browsing context is an instanceof Presentation.');
assert_equals(navigator.presentation.receiver, null, 'navigator.presentation.receiver in a nested browsing context is set to null.');
// Session history
assert_equals(window.history.length, 1, 'Session history consists of the current page only.');
// The Sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag (codes below are expected to be ignored)
assert_equals(window.open('./idlharness_receiving-ua.html'), null, 'Sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag is set.');
// The sandboxed modals flag (codes below are expected to be ignored):
// If user agent prompts user, a timeout will occur and the test will eventually fail
let message = 'If you see this prompt, do not dismiss it and wait for test to time out.';
notice.style.display = 'block';
modal.textContent = 'alert()';
modal.textContent = 'confirm()';
modal.textContent = 'print()';
modal.textContent = 'prompt()';
notice.style.display = 'none';
// Permissions
const checkPermission = query => {
return navigator.permissions ? navigator.permissions.query(query).then(status => {
assert_equals(status.state, 'denied', 'The state of the "' + query.name + '" permission in a nested browsing context is set to "denied".');
}, () => { /* skip this assertion if the specified permission is not implemented */ }) : Promise.resolve();
// Cookie
assert_equals(document.cookie, 'PresentationApiTest=Receiving-UA', 'A cookie store is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.');
// Indexed Database
const dbName = 'db-presentation-api-receiving-ua';
const checkIndexedDB = () => {
if ('indexedDB' in window) {
message = 'Indexed Database is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.';
const req = indexedDB.open(dbName);
const upgradeneededWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, req, 'upgradeneeded');
const successWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, req, 'success');
return Promise.race([
upgradeneededWatcher.wait_for('upgradeneeded').then(evt => {
// This would fail if the database is not created by the top-level browsing context
successWatcher.wait_for('success').then(evt => {
const db = evt.target.result;
const version = db.version;
// Check if the version of the database is 2 as specified by the top-level browsing context
assert_equals(version, 2, message);
// Upgrade the version
const req = indexedDB.open(dbName, 3);
const eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, req, 'upgradeneeded');
return eventWatcher.wait_for('upgradeneeded');
}).then(evt => {
return Promise.resolve();
// Web Storage
assert_equals(sessionStorage.length, 1, 'Session storage is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.');
assert_equals(sessionStorage.getItem('presentation_api_test'), 'receiving-ua', 'Session storage is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.');
assert_equals(localStorage.length, 1, 'Local storage is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.');
assert_equals(localStorage.getItem('presentation_api_test'), 'receiving-ua', 'Local storage is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.');
// Service Workers
const checkServiceWorkers = () => {
return 'serviceWorker' in navigator ? navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(registrations => {
message = 'List of registered service worker registrations is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.';
assert_equals(registrations.length, 1, message);
assert_equals(registrations[0].active.scriptURL, new Request('../serviceworker.js').url, message);
}) : Promise.resolve();
const checkCaches = () => {
message = 'Cache storage is shared by top-level and nested browsing contexts.';
return 'caches' in window ? caches.keys().then(keys => {
assert_equals(keys.length, 1, message);
assert_equals(keys[0], 'receiving-ua', message);
return caches.open(keys[0]);
}).then(cache => cache.matchAll())
.then(responses => {
assert_equals(responses.length, 1, message);
assert_equals(responses[0].url, new Request('../cache.txt').url, message);
}) : Promise.resolve();
// Update storages and service workers shared with the top-level brosing context
document.cookie = 'NestedBrowsingContext=True';
sessionStorage.setItem('nested_browsing_context', 'yes');
localStorage.setItem('nested_browsing_context', 'yes');
// register a service worker with different scope from that of the top-level browsing context
const registerServiceWorker = () => {
return 'serviceWorker' in navigator ?
navigator.serviceWorker.register('serviceworker.js').then(registration => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (registration.installing) {
registration.installing.addEventListener('statechange', event => {
if(event.target.state === 'installed')
}) : Promise.resolve();
const openCaches = () => {
return 'caches' in window
? caches.open('nested-browsing-context').then(cache => cache.add('../cache.txt')) : Promise.resolve();
// Asynchronous tests
const permissionList = [
{ name: 'geolocation' },
{ name: 'notifications' },
{ name: 'push', userVisibleOnly: true },
{ name: 'midi' },
{ name: 'camera' },
{ name: 'microphone' },
{ name: 'speaker' },
{ name: 'background-sync' }
return Promise.all(permissionList.map(perm => { return checkPermission(perm); }))