import {IdleManager, IdleManagerError, IdleManagerReceiver} from '/gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/idle/idle_manager.mojom.m.js';
* This is a testing framework that enables us to test the user idle detection
* by intercepting the connection between the renderer and the browser and
* exposing a mocking API for tests.
* Usage:
* 1) Include <script src="mock.js"></script> in your file.
* 2) Set expectations
* expect(addMonitor).andReturn((threshold, monitorPtr, callback) => {
* // mock behavior
* })
* 3) Call navigator.idle.query()
* The mocking API is blink agnostic and is designed such that other engines
* could implement it too. Here are the symbols that are exposed to tests:
* - function addMonitor(): the main/only function that can be mocked.
* - function expect(): the main/only function that enables us to mock it.
* - function close(): disconnects the interceptor.
* - enum UserIdleState {IDLE, ACTIVE}: blink agnostic constants.
* - enum ScreenIdleState {LOCKED, UNLOCKED}: blink agnostic constants.
class FakeIdleMonitor {
addMonitor(threshold, monitorPtr, callback) {
return this.handler.addMonitor(threshold, monitorPtr);
setHandler(handler) {
this.handler = handler;
return this;
setBinding(binding) {
this.binding = binding;
return this;
close() {
self.IdleDetectorError = {};
self.addMonitor = function addMonitor(threshold, monitorPtr, callback) {
throw new Error("expected to be overriden by tests");
async function close() {
self.expect = function(call) {
return {
andReturn(callback) {
let handler = {};
handler[] = callback;
function intercept() {
let result = new FakeIdleMonitor();
let binding = new IdleManagerReceiver(result);
let interceptor = new MojoInterfaceInterceptor(IdleManager.$interfaceName);
interceptor.oninterfacerequest = e => binding.$.bindHandle(e.handle);
self.IdleDetectorError.SUCCESS = IdleManagerError.kSuccess;
self.IdleDetectorError.PERMISSION_DISABLED =
return result;
const interceptor = intercept();