<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
test(t => {
let s = new Sanitizer();
assert_true(s instanceof Sanitizer);
}, "SanitizerAPI creator without config.");
test(t => {
let s = new Sanitizer({});
assert_true(s instanceof Sanitizer);
}, "SanitizerAPI creator with empty config.");
test(t => {
let s = new Sanitizer(null);
assert_true(s instanceof Sanitizer);
}, "SanitizerAPI creator with null as config.");
test(t => {
let s = new Sanitizer(undefined);
assert_true(s instanceof Sanitizer);
}, "SanitizerAPI creator with undefined as config.");
test(t => {
let s = new Sanitizer({testConfig: [1,2,3], attr: ["test", "i", "am"]});
assert_true(s instanceof Sanitizer);
}, "SanitizerAPI creator with config ignore unknown values.");
// In-depth testing of sanitization is handled in other tests. Here we
// do presence testing for each of the config options and test 3 things:
// - One case where our test string is modified,
// - one where it's unaffected,
// - that a config can't be changed afterwards.
// (I.e., that the Sanitizer won't hold on to a reference of the options.)
// The probe determines whether the Sanitizer modifies the probe string.
const probe_string = "<div id=\"i\">balabala</div><p>test</p>";
const probe = sanitizer => {
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = probe_string;
let fragment = sanitizer.sanitize(template.content);
let div = document.createElement("div");
return probe_string == div.innerHTML;
const should_stay_the_same = {
elements: [ "div", "p" ],
replaceWithChildrenElements: [ "test" ],
removeElements: [ "test" ],
attributes: ["id"],
removeAttributes: ["bla"],
const should_modify = {
elements: [ "div", "span" ],
replaceWithChildrenElements: [ "div" ],
removeElements: [ "p" ],
attributes: ["test"],
removeAttributes: ["id"],
assert_array_equals(Object.keys(should_stay_the_same), Object.keys(should_modify));
Object.keys(should_stay_the_same).forEach(option_key => {
test(t => {
const options = {};
options[option_key] = should_stay_the_same[option_key];
const s = new Sanitizer(options);
assert_true(s instanceof Sanitizer);
}, `SanitizerAPI: ${option_key} stays is okay.`);
const options = {};
options[option_key] = should_modify[option_key];
const s = new Sanitizer(options);
test(t => {
assert_true(s instanceof Sanitizer);
}, `SanitizerAPI: ${option_key} modify is okay.`);
options[option_key] = should_stay_the_same[option_key];
test(t => {
}, `SanitizerAPI: ${option_key} config is not kept as reference.`);