const testcases = [
{ config_input: {}, value: "test", result: "test", message: "string" },
config_input: {},
value: "<b>bla</b>",
result: "<b>bla</b>",
message: "html fragment",
{ config_input: {}, value: "<a<embla", result: "", message: "broken html" },
config_input: {},
value: {},
result: "[object Object]",
message: "empty object",
{ config_input: {}, value: 1, result: "1", message: "number" },
{ config_input: {}, value: 000, result: "0", message: "zeros" },
{ config_input: {}, value: 1 + 2, result: "3", message: "arithmetic" },
{ config_input: {}, value: "", result: "", message: "empty string" },
config_input: {},
value: undefined,
result: "undefined",
message: "undefined",
config_input: {},
value: "<html><head></head><body>test</body></html>",
result: "test",
message: "document",
config_input: {},
value: "<div>test",
result: "<div>test</div>",
message: "html without close tag",
config_input: {},
value: "<script>alert('i am a test')</script>",
result: "",
message: "scripts for default configs",
config_input: {},
value: "hello<script>alert('i am a test')</script>",
result: "hello",
message: "script not as root",
config_input: {},
value: "<div><b>hello<script>alert('i am a test')</script>",
result: "<div><b>hello</b></div>",
message: "script deeper in the tree",
config_input: {},
value: "<p onclick='a= 123'>Click.</p>",
result: "<p>Click.</p>",
message: "onclick scripts",
config_input: {},
value: "<plaintext><p>text</p>",
result: "<p>text</p>",
message: "plaintext",
config_input: {},
value: "<xmp>TEXT</xmp>",
result: "TEXT",
message: "xmp",
config_input: { test: 123 },
value: "test",
result: "test",
message: "invalid config_input",
config_input: { removeElements: [] },
value: "test",
result: "test",
message: "empty removeElements list",
config_input: { removeElements: ["div"] },
value: "<div>test</div><p>bla",
result: "<p>bla</p>",
message: "test html without close tag with removeElements list ['div']",
config_input: {},
value: "<custom-element>test</custom-element>bla",
result: "bla",
message: "default behavior for custom elements",
config_input: { customElements: true },
value: "<custom-element>test</custom-element>bla",
result: "testbla",
message: "allow custom elements",
config_input: {
customElements: true,
elements: ["custom-element"],
value: "<custom-element>test</custom-element>bla",
result: "<custom-element>test</custom-element>bla",
message: "allow custom elements with allow elements",
config_input: { customElements: false },
value: "<custom-element>test</custom-element>bla",
result: "bla",
message: "disallow custom elements",
config_input: {
removeElements: ["custom-element"],
customElements: true,
value: "<custom-element>test</custom-element>bla",
result: "bla",
message: 'allow custom elements with drop list contains ["custom-element"]',
config_input: { removeElements: ["script"] },
value: "<script>alert('i am a test')</script>",
result: "",
message: 'test script with ["script"] as removeElements list',
config_input: { removeElements: ["test-element", "i"] },
value: "<div>balabala<i>test</i></div><test-element>t</test-element>",
result: "<div>balabala</div>",
message: 'removeElements list ["test-element", "i"]}',
config_input: { removeElements: ["dl", "p"] },
value: "<div>balabala<i>i</i><p>t</p></div>",
result: "<div>balabala<i>i</i></div>",
message: 'removeElements list ["dl", "p"]}',
config_input: { elements: ["p"] },
value: "<div>test<div>p</div>tt<p>div</p></div>",
result: "testptt<p>div</p>",
message: 'elements list ["p"]',
config_input: { removeElements: ["div"], elements: ["div"] },
value: "<div>test</div><p>bla",
result: "bla",
message: "elements list has no influence to removeElements",
config_input: { removeAttributes: [] },
value: "<p id='test'>Click.</p>",
result: '<p id="test">Click.</p>',
message: "empty removeAttributes list with id attribute",
config_input: { removeAttributes: ["id"] },
value: "<p id='test'>Click.</p>",
result: "<p>Click.</p>",
message: 'removeAttributes list ["id"] with id attribute',
config_input: {
removeAttributes: ["data-attribute-with-dashes"],
"<p id='p' data-attribute-with-dashes='123'>Click.</p><script>document.getElementById('p').dataset.attributeWithDashes=123;</script>",
result: '<p id="p">Click.</p>',
'removeAttributes list ["data-attribute-with-dashes"] with dom dataset js access',
config_input: {
elements: [
{ name: "p", attributes: ["title"] },
{ name: "div", attributes: ["id"] },
value: "<p id='p' title='p'>P</p><div id='div' title='div'>DIV</div>",
result: '<p title="p">P</p><div id="div">DIV</div>',
'elements list with <p> attributes: ["title"] and div attributes: ["id"] lists',
config_input: {
elements: [
{ name: "p", removeAttributes: ["title"] },
{ name: "div", removeAttributes: ["id"] },
value: "<p id='p' title='p'>P</p><div id='div' title='div'>DIV</div>",
result: '<p id="p">P</p><div title="div">DIV</div>',
'elements list with <p> removeAttributes: ["title"] and div removeAttributes: ["id"] lists',
config_input: {
elements: [{ name: "div", attributes: ["id"], removeAttributes: ["id"] }],
value: "<div id='div' title='div'>DIV</div>",
result: "<div>DIV</div>",
'elements list with <div> attributes: ["id"] and removeAttributes: ["id"] lists',
config_input: {
elements: [{ name: "div", attributes: ["id", "title"] }],
attributes: []
value: "<div id='div' title='div'>DIV</div>",
result: "<div>DIV</div>",
'elements list with <div> attributes: ["id", "title"] does not override empty attributes: [] list',
config_input: {
elements: [{ name: "div", attributes: ["id", "title"] }],
removeAttributes: ["id", "title"]
value: "<div id='div' title='div'>DIV</div>",
result: "<div>DIV</div>",
'elements list with <div> attributes: ["id", "title"] does not override removeAttributes: ["id", "title"] list',
config_input: {
elements: [{ name: "div", removeAttributes: ["id", "title"] }],
attributes: ["id", "title"]
value: "<div id='div' title='div'>DIV</div>",
result: "<div>DIV</div>",
'elements list with <div> removeAttributes: ["id", "title"] is effective even with attributes: ["id", "title"] list',
config_input: { attributes: ["id"] },
value: "<p id='test' onclick='a= 123'>Click.</p>",
result: '<p id="test">Click.</p>',
message: 'attributes list ["id"] with id attribute and onclick scripts',
// {config_input: {allowAttributes: {"*": ["a"]}}, value: "<a id='a' style='color: black'>Click.</a><div style='color: white'>div</div>", result: "<a id=\"a\" style=\"color: black\">Click.</a><div>div</div>", message: "allowAttributes list {\"*\": [\"a\"]} with style attribute"},
config_input: {
removeAttributes: ["style"],
attributes: ["style"],
value: "<p style='color: black'>Click.</p>",
result: "<p>Click.</p>",
message: "attributes list has no influence to removeAttributes list",
config_input: { elements: ["template", "div"] },
value: "<template><script>test</script><div>hello</div></template>",
result: "<template><div>hello</div></template>",
message: "Template element",
config_input: {},
value: "<a href=''>Click.</a>",
result: "<a>Click.</a>",
message: "HTMLAnchorElement with javascript protocal",
config_input: {},
value: "<a href=''>Click.</a>",
result: "<a>Click.</a>",
message: "HTMLAnchorElement with javascript protocal start with space",
config_input: {},
value: "<a href=''>Click.</a>",
result: '<a href="">Click.</a>',
message: "HTMLAnchorElement",
config_input: {},
value: "<area href=''>Click.</area>",
result: "<area>Click.",
message: "HTMLAreaElement with javascript protocal",
config_input: {},
value: "<area href=''>Click.</area>",
result: "<area>Click.",
message: "HTMLAreaElement with javascript protocal start with space",
config_input: {},
value: "<area href=''>Click.</area>",
result: '<area href="">Click.',
message: "HTMLAreaElement",
config_input: {},
value: "<form action=''>Click.</form>",
result: "<form>Click.</form>",
message: "HTMLFormElement with javascript action",
config_input: {},
value: "<form action=''>Click.</form>",
result: "<form>Click.</form>",
message: "HTMLFormElement with javascript action start with space",
config_input: {},
value: "<form action=''>Click.</form>",
result: '<form action="">Click.</form>',
message: "HTMLFormElement",
config_input: {},
value: "<input formaction=''>Click.</input>",
result: "<input>Click.",
message: "HTMLInputElement with javascript formaction",
config_input: {},
value: "<input formaction=''>Click.</input>",
result: "<input>Click.",
message: "HTMLInputElement with javascript formaction start with space",
config_input: {},
value: "<input formaction=''>Click.</input>",
result: '<input formaction="">Click.',
message: "HTMLInputElement",
config_input: {},
value: "<button formaction=''>Click.</button>",
result: "<button>Click.</button>",
message: "HTMLButtonElement with javascript formaction",
config_input: {},
value: "<button formaction=''>Click.</button>",
result: "<button>Click.</button>",
message: "HTMLButtonElement with javascript formaction start with space",
config_input: {},
value: "<button formaction=''>Click.</button>",
result: '<button formaction="">Click.</button>',
message: "HTMLButtonElement",
config_input: {},
"<p>Some text</p></body><!-- 1 --></html><!-- 2 --><p>Some more text</p>",
result: "<p>Some text</p><p>Some more text</p>",
message: "malformed HTML",
config_input: {},
value: "<p>Some text</p><!-- 1 --><!-- 2 --><p>Some more text</p>",
result: "<p>Some text</p><p>Some more text</p>",
message: "HTML with comments; comments not allowed",
config_input: { comments: true },
value: "<p>Some text</p><!-- 1 --><!-- 2 --><p>Some more text</p>",
result: "<p>Some text</p><!-- 1 --><!-- 2 --><p>Some more text</p>",
message: "HTML with comments; comments",
config_input: { comments: false },
value: "<p>Some text</p><!-- 1 --><!-- 2 --><p>Some more text</p>",
result: "<p>Some text</p><p>Some more text</p>",
message: "HTML with comments; !comments",
config_input: {},
value: "<p>comment<!-- hello -->in<!-- </p> -->text</p>",
result: "<p>commentintext</p>",
message: "HTML with comments deeper in the tree",
config_input: { comments: true },
value: "<p>comment<!-- hello -->in<!-- </p> -->text</p>",
result: "<p>comment<!-- hello -->in<!-- </p> -->text</p>",
message: "HTML with comments deeper in the tree, comments",
config_input: { comments: false },
value: "<p>comment<!-- hello -->in<!-- </p> -->text</p>",
result: "<p>commentintext</p>",
message: "HTML with comments deeper in the tree, !comments",
config_input: { elements: ["svg"] },
value: "<svg></svg>",
result: "",
"Unknown HTML names (HTMLUnknownElement instances) should not match elements parsed as non-HTML namespaces.",
config_input: { elements: ["div", "svg"] },
value: "<div><svg></svg></div>",
result: "<div></div>",
"Unknown HTML names (HTMLUnknownElement instances) should not match elements parsed as non-HTML namespaces when nested.",
// Case normalization (actually: lack of)
config_input: { removeElements: ["I", "DL"] },
value: "<div>balabala<dl>test</dl></div>",
result: "<div>balabala<dl>test</dl></div>",
message: 'removeElements list ["I", "DL"]}',
config_input: { removeElements: ["i", "dl"] },
value: "<div>balabala<dl>test</dl></div>",
result: "<div>balabala</div>",
message: 'removeElements list ["i", "dl"]}',
config_input: { removeElements: ["i", "dl"] },
value: "<DIV>balabala<DL>test</DL></DIV>",
result: "<div>balabala</div>",
message: 'removeElements list ["i", "dl"]} with uppercase HTML',
config_input: { removeAttributes: ["ID"] },
value: '<p id="test">Click.</p>',
result: '<p id="test">Click.</p>',
message: 'removeAttributes list ["ID"] with id attribute',
config_input: { removeAttributes: ["ID"] },
value: '<p ID="test">Click.</p>',
result: '<p id="test">Click.</p>',
message: 'removeAttributes list ["ID"] with ID attribute',
config_input: { removeAttributes: ["id"] },
value: '<p ID="test">Click.</p>',
result: "<p>Click.</p>",
message: 'removeAttributes list ["id"] with ID attribute',
// unknownMarkup for elements (with and without)
config_input: { removeElements: [123, "test", "i", "custom-element"] },
result: "<div>balabala</div>",
message: "removeElements with unknown elements and without unknownMarkup",
config_input: {
replaceWithChildrenElements: [123, "test", "i", "custom-element"],
result: "<div>balabalatest</div>",
"replaceWithChildrenElements with unknown elements and without unknownMarkup",
config_input: { elements: ["p", "test"] },
value: "<div>test<div>p</div>tt<p>div</p></div><test>test</test>",
result: "testptt<p>div</p>",
message: "elements with unknown elements and without unknownMarkup",
config_input: {
removeElements: [123, "test", "i", "custom-element"],
unknownMarkup: true,
result: "<div>balabala</div>",
message: "removeElements with unknown elements and with unknownMarkup",
config_input: {
replaceWithChildrenElements: [123, "test", "i", "custom-element"],
unknownMarkup: true,
result: "<div>balabalatest</div>t",
"replaceWithChildrenElements with unknown elements and with unknownMarkup",
config_input: { elements: ["p", "test"], unknownMarkup: true },
value: "<div>test<div>p</div>tt<p>div</p><test>test</test></div>",
result: "testptt<p>div</p><test>test</test>",
message: "elements with unknown elements and with unknownMarkup",
// unknownMarkup for attributes (with and without)
config_input: {
attributes: ["hello", "world"],
value: "<div hello='1' world='2'><b hello='3' world='4'>",
result: "<div><b></b></div>",
message: "attributes: unknown attributes and without unknownMarkup",
config_input: {
attributes: ["hello", "world"],
unknownMarkup: true,
value: "<div hello='1' world='2'><b hello='3' world='4'>",
result: '<div hello="1" world="2"><b hello="3" world="4"></b></div>',
message: "attributes: unknown attributes and with unknownMarkup",
config_input: {
removeAttributes: ["hello", "world"],
value: "<div hello='1' world='2'><b hello='3' world='4'>",
result: "<div><b></b></div>",
message: "removeAttributes: unknown attributes and without unknownMarkup",
config_input: {
removeAttributes: ["hello", "world"],
unknownMarkup: true,
value: "<div hello='1' world='2'><b hello='3' world='4'>",
result: "<div><b></b></div>",
message: "removeAttributes unknown attributes and with allowUnknownMarkup",