
<!doctype html>
<title>Scheduler: yield inheritance in requestIdleCallback</title>
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'use strict';

// Queues a requestIdleCallback that schedules 2 user-visible tasks, 2
// background tasks, another requestIdleCallback, and then yields 3 times using
// `yieldParams`.
// Returns {tasks, ids} where `tasks` is an array of promises associated with
// the tasks and `ids` is an array of task ids appended to by the scheduled
// tasks.
function postTestTasks() {
  const ids = [];
  const task = new Promise(resolve => {
    requestIdleCallback(async () => {

      const subtasks = [];
      subtasks.push(scheduler.postTask(() => { ids.push('uv1'); }));
      subtasks.push(scheduler.postTask(() => { ids.push('uv2'); }));
      subtasks.push(scheduler.postTask(() => { ids.push('bg1'); }, {priority: 'background'}));
      subtasks.push(scheduler.postTask(() => { ids.push('bg2'); }, {priority: 'background'}));
      subtasks.push(new Promise(resolve => {
        requestIdleCallback(() => {

      for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
        await scheduler.yield();
        ids.push('y' + i);
      await Promise.all(subtasks);
  return {task, ids};

const expected_inherited_task_order = 'i1,uv1,uv2,y1,y2,y3,bg1,bg2,i2';

promise_test(async t => {
  const {task, ids} = postTestTasks();
  await task;
  assert_equals(ids.join(), expected_inherited_task_order);
}, 'requestIdleCallback() yields at background priority when inheriting signal');
