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<title>Test SharedWorkerGlobalScope.isSecureContext for HTTP creator</title>
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* The goal of this test is to check that we do the right thing if the
* same SharedWorker is used first from an secure context and then from
* an insecure context.
* To do this, we load a subframe which loads a SharedWorker
* and communicates back to us whether that worker and a child dedicated
* worker it spawns think they are secure contexts. Async tests t1 and t2
* track these two workers.
* After we have heard from both workers in the subframe, we open an
* insecure (http) popup, which loads the same exact subframe. This
* subframe is still is same-origin with
* us but not a secure context, since its parent is http, not https. Then
* we wait to hear about the status of the workers in the popup's
* subframe. Async tests t3 and t4 track these two workers.
var t1 = async_test("Shared worker in subframe");
var t2 = async_test("Nested worker in shared worker in subframe");
var t3 = async_test("Shared worker in popup");
var t4 = async_test("Nested worker from shared worker in popup");
var messageCount = 0;
var popup = null;
onmessage = function(e) {
if (messageCount == 4 && popup) {
var data = e.data;
if (data.type == "shared") {
// This is a message from our shared worker; check whether it's the
// one in the popup or in our subframe.
if (data.fromPopup) {
t3.step(function() {
assert_false(data.exception, "No exception should be present.");
assert_true(data.error, "SharedWorker connection should error out.");
} else {
t1.step(function() {
assert_false(data.exception, "SharedWorker should not throw an exception.");
assert_false(data.error, "SharedWorker connection should not generate an error.");
assert_true(data.isSecureContext, "SharedWorker is a secure context");
} else if (data.type == "nested") {
// This is a message from our shared worker's nested dedicated worker;
// check whether it's the one in the popup or in our subframe.
if (data.fromPopup) {
t4.step(function() {
assert_false(data.exception, "No exception should be present.");
assert_true(data.error, "SharedWorker connection should error out.");
} else {
t2.step(function() {
assert_false(data.exception, "SharedWorker should not throw an exception.");
assert_false(data.error, "SharedWorker connection should not generate an error.");
assert_true(data.isSecureContext, "SharedWorker is a secure context");
} else {
if (popup) {
t1.step(function() {
assert_unreached("Unknown message");
t2.step(function() {
assert_unreached("Unknown message");
t3.step(function() {
assert_unreached("Unknown message");
t4.step(function() {
assert_unreached("Unknown message");
if (messageCount == 2) {
// Got both messages from our child; time to open our popup
popup = window.open(http_dir + "support/shared-worker-insecure-popup.html?https_dir4");
var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
ifr.src = https_dir4 + "support/https-subframe-shared.html";