
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: Clients.matchAll ordering</title>
<meta name=timeout content=long>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>

// Utility function for URLs this test will open.
function makeURL(name, num, type) {
  let u = new URL('resources/empty.html', location);
  u.searchParams.set('name', name);
  if (num !== undefined) {
    u.searchParams.set('q', num);
  if (type === 'nested') {
    u.searchParams.set('nested', true);
  return u.href;

// Non-test URLs that will be open during each test.  The harness URLs
// are from the WPT harness.  The "extra" URL is a final window opened
// by the test.
const EXTRA_URL = makeURL('extra');
const TEST_HARNESS_URL = location.href;
const TOP_HARNESS_URL = new URL('/testharness_runner.html', location).href;

// Utility function to open an iframe in the target parent window.  We
// can't just use with_iframe() because it does not support a configurable
// parent window.
function openFrame(parentWindow, url) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    let frame = parentWindow.document.createElement('iframe');
    frame.src = url;

    frame.contentWindow.addEventListener('load', evt => {
    }, { once: true });

// Utility function to open a window and wait for it to load.  The
// window may optionally have a nested iframe as well.  Returns
// a result like `{ top: <frame ref> nested: <nested frame ref if present> }`.
function openFrameConfig(opts) {
  let url = new URL(opts.url, location.href);
  return openFrame(window, url.href).then(top => {
    if (!opts.withNested) {
      return { top: top };

    url.searchParams.set('nested', true);
    return openFrame(top.contentWindow, url.href).then(nested => {
      return { top: top, nested: nested };

// Utility function that takes a list of configurations and opens the
// corresponding windows in sequence.  An array of results is returned.
function openFrameConfigList(optList) {
  let resultList = [];
  function openNextWindow(optList, nextWindow) {
    if (nextWindow >= optList.length) {
      return resultList;
    return openFrameConfig(optList[nextWindow]).then(result => {
      return openNextWindow(optList, nextWindow + 1);
  return openNextWindow(optList, 0);

// Utility function that focuses the given entry in window result list.
function executeFocus(frameResultList, opts) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    let w = frameResultList[opts.index][opts.type];
    let target = w.contentWindow ? w.contentWindow : w;
    target.addEventListener('focus', evt => {
    }, { once: true });

// Utility function that performs a list of focus commands in sequence
// based on the window result list.
function executeFocusList(frameResultList, optList) {
  function executeNextCommand(frameResultList, optList, nextCommand) {
    if (nextCommand >= optList.length) {
    return executeFocus(frameResultList, optList[nextCommand]).then(_ => {
      return executeNextCommand(frameResultList, optList, nextCommand + 1);
  return executeNextCommand(frameResultList, optList, 0);

// Perform a `clients.matchAll()` in the service worker with the given
// options dictionary.
function doMatchAll(worker, options) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    let channel = new MessageChannel();
    channel.port1.onmessage = evt => {
    worker.postMessage({ port: channel.port2, options: options, disableSort: true },

// Function that performs a single test case.  It takes a configuration object
// describing the windows to open, how to focus them, the matchAll options,
// and the resulting expectations.  See the test cases for examples of how to
// use this.
function matchAllOrderTest(t, opts) {
  let script = 'resources/clients-matchall-worker.js';
  let worker;
  let frameResultList;
  let extraWindowResult;
  return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, script, opts.scope).then(swr => {
    t.add_cleanup(() => service_worker_unregister(t, opts.scope));

    worker = swr.installing;
    return wait_for_state(t, worker, 'activated');
  }).then(_ => {
    return openFrameConfigList(opts.frameConfigList);
  }).then(results => {
    frameResultList = results;
    return openFrameConfig({ url: EXTRA_URL });
  }).then(result => {
    extraWindowResult = result;
    return executeFocusList(frameResultList, opts.focusConfigList);
  }).then(_ => {
    return doMatchAll(worker, opts.matchAllOptions);
  }).then(data => {
    assert_equals(data.length, opts.expected.length);
    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
      assert_equals(data[i][2], opts.expected[i], 'expected URL index ' + i);
  }).then(_ => {
    frameResultList.forEach(result =>;;
  }).catch(e => {
    if (frameResultList) {
      frameResultList.forEach(result =>;
    if (extraWindowResult) {;

// ----------
// Test cases
// ----------

promise_test(t => {
  let name = 'no-focus-controlled-windows';
  let opts = {
    scope: makeURL(name),

    frameConfigList: [
      { url: makeURL(name, 0), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 1), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 2), withNested: false },

    focusConfigList: [
      // no focus commands

    matchAllOptions: {
      includeUncontrolled: false

    expected: [
      makeURL(name, 0),
      makeURL(name, 1),
      makeURL(name, 2),

  return matchAllOrderTest(t, opts);
}, 'Clients.matchAll() returns non-focused controlled windows in creation order.');

promise_test(t => {
  let name = 'focus-controlled-windows-1';
  let opts = {
    scope: makeURL(name),

    frameConfigList: [
      { url: makeURL(name, 0), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 1), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 2), withNested: false },

    focusConfigList: [
      { index: 0, type: 'top' },
      { index: 1, type: 'top' },
      { index: 2, type: 'top' },

    matchAllOptions: {
      includeUncontrolled: false

    expected: [
      makeURL(name, 2),
      makeURL(name, 1),
      makeURL(name, 0),

  return matchAllOrderTest(t, opts);
}, 'Clients.matchAll() returns controlled windows in focus order.  Case 1.');

promise_test(t => {
  let name = 'focus-controlled-windows-2';
  let opts = {
    scope: makeURL(name),

    frameConfigList: [
      { url: makeURL(name, 0), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 1), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 2), withNested: false },

    focusConfigList: [
      { index: 2, type: 'top' },
      { index: 1, type: 'top' },
      { index: 0, type: 'top' },

    matchAllOptions: {
      includeUncontrolled: false

    expected: [
      makeURL(name, 0),
      makeURL(name, 1),
      makeURL(name, 2),

  return matchAllOrderTest(t, opts);
}, 'Clients.matchAll() returns controlled windows in focus order.  Case 2.');

promise_test(t => {
  let name = 'no-focus-uncontrolled-windows';
  let opts = {
    scope: makeURL(name + '-outofscope'),

    frameConfigList: [
      { url: makeURL(name, 0), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 1), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 2), withNested: false },

    focusConfigList: [
      // no focus commands

    matchAllOptions: {
      includeUncontrolled: true

    expected: [
      // The harness windows have been focused, so appear first

      // Test frames have not been focused, so appear in creation order
      makeURL(name, 0),
      makeURL(name, 1),
      makeURL(name, 2),

  return matchAllOrderTest(t, opts);
}, 'Clients.matchAll() returns non-focused uncontrolled windows in creation order.');

promise_test(t => {
  let name = 'focus-uncontrolled-windows-1';
  let opts = {
    scope: makeURL(name + '-outofscope'),

    frameConfigList: [
      { url: makeURL(name, 0), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 1), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 2), withNested: false },

    focusConfigList: [
      { index: 0, type: 'top' },
      { index: 1, type: 'top' },
      { index: 2, type: 'top' },

    matchAllOptions: {
      includeUncontrolled: true

    expected: [
      // The test harness window is a parent of all test frames.  It will
      // always have the same focus time or later as its frames.  So it
      // appears first.

      makeURL(name, 2),
      makeURL(name, 1),
      makeURL(name, 0),

      // The overall harness has been focused

      // The extra frame was never focused

  return matchAllOrderTest(t, opts);
}, 'Clients.matchAll() returns uncontrolled windows in focus order.  Case 1.');

promise_test(t => {
  let name = 'focus-uncontrolled-windows-2';
  let opts = {
    scope: makeURL(name + '-outofscope'),

    frameConfigList: [
      { url: makeURL(name, 0), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 1), withNested: false },
      { url: makeURL(name, 2), withNested: false },

    focusConfigList: [
      { index: 2, type: 'top' },
      { index: 1, type: 'top' },
      { index: 0, type: 'top' },

    matchAllOptions: {
      includeUncontrolled: true

    expected: [
      // The test harness window is a parent of all test frames.  It will
      // always have the same focus time or later as its frames.  So it
      // appears first.

      makeURL(name, 0),
      makeURL(name, 1),
      makeURL(name, 2),

      // The overall harness has been focused

      // The extra frame was never focused

  return matchAllOrderTest(t, opts);
}, 'Clients.matchAll() returns uncontrolled windows in focus order.  Case 2.');

promise_test(t => {
  let name = 'focus-controlled-nested-windows';
  let opts = {
    scope: makeURL(name),

    frameConfigList: [
      { url: makeURL(name, 0), withNested: true },
      { url: makeURL(name, 1), withNested: true },
      { url: makeURL(name, 2), withNested: true },

    focusConfigList: [
      { index: 0, type: 'top' },

      // Note, some browsers don't let programmatic focus of a frame unless
      // an ancestor window is already focused.  So focus the window and
      // then the frame.
      { index: 1, type: 'top' },
      { index: 1, type: 'nested' },

      { index: 2, type: 'top' },

    matchAllOptions: {
      includeUncontrolled: false

    expected: [
      // Focus order for window 2, but not its frame.  We only focused
      // the window.
      makeURL(name, 2),

      // Window 1 is next via focus order, but the window is always
      // shown first here.  The window gets its last focus time updated
      // when the frame is focused.  Since the times match between the
      // two it falls back to creation order.  The window was created
      // before the frame.  This behavior is being discussed in:
      makeURL(name, 1),
      makeURL(name, 1, 'nested'),

      // Focus order for window 0, but not its frame.  We only focused
      // the window.
      makeURL(name, 0),

      // Creation order of the frames since they are not focused by
      // default when they are created.
      makeURL(name, 0, 'nested'),
      makeURL(name, 2, 'nested'),

  return matchAllOrderTest(t, opts);
}, 'Clients.matchAll() returns controlled windows and frames in focus order.');