
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] Service Worker responds to fetch event with the correct integrity_metadata
  assert_equals: integrity expected "gs0nqru8KbsrIt5YToQqS9fYao4GQJXtcId610g7cCU=" but got ""
[FAIL] FetchEvent#request.isReloadNavigation is true (location.reload())
  assert_equals: expected "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = false" but got "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = undefined"
[FAIL] FetchEvent#request.isReloadNavigation is true (history.go(0))
  assert_equals: expected "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = false" but got "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = undefined"
[FAIL] FetchEvent#request.isReloadNavigation is true (POST + location.reload())
  assert_equals: expected "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = false" but got "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = undefined"
[FAIL] FetchEvent#request.isReloadNavigation is true (with history traversal)
  assert_equals: expected "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = false" but got "method = GET, isReloadNavigation = undefined"
Harness: the test ran to completion.