
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: Tainting of responses fetched via SW.</title>
<!-- This test makes a large number of requests sequentially. -->
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
var host_info = get_host_info();
var BASE_URL = BASE_ORIGIN + base_path() +
var OTHER_BASE_URL = OTHER_ORIGIN + base_path() +

function frame_fetch(frame, url, mode, credentials) {
  var foreignPromise = frame.contentWindow.fetch(
      new Request(url, {mode: mode, credentials: credentials}))

  // Event loops should be shared between contexts of similar origin, not all
  // browsers adhere to this expectation at the time of this writing. Incorrect
  // behavior in this regard can interfere with test execution when the
  // provided iframe is removed from the document.
  // WPT maintains a test dedicated the expected treatment of event loops, so
  // the following workaround is acceptable in this context.
  return Promise.resolve(foreignPromise);

var login_and_register;
promise_test(function(t) {
    var SCOPE = 'resources/fetch-response-taint-iframe.html';
    var SCRIPT = 'resources/fetch-rewrite-worker.js';
    var registration;

    login_and_register = login_https(t, host_info.HTTPS_ORIGIN, host_info.HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN)
      .then(function() {
          return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, SCRIPT, SCOPE);
      .then(function(r) {
          registration = r;
          return wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
      .then(function() { return with_iframe(SCOPE); })
      .then(function(f) {
          // This test should not be considered complete until after the
          // service worker has been unregistered. Currently, `testharness.js`
          // does not support asynchronous global "tear down" logic, so this
          // must be expressed using a dedicated `promise_test`. Because the
          // other sub-tests in this file are declared synchronously, this
          // test will be the final test executed.
          promise_test(function(t) {
              return registration.unregister();
            }, 'restore global state');

          return f;
    return login_and_register;
  }, 'initialize global state');

function ng_test(url, mode, credentials) {
  promise_test(function(t) {
      return login_and_register
        .then(function(frame) {
            var fetchRequest = frame_fetch(frame, url, mode, credentials);
            return promise_rejects_js(t, frame.contentWindow.TypeError, fetchRequest);
    }, 'url:\"' + url + '\" mode:\"' + mode +
       '\" credentials:\"' + credentials + '\" should fail.');

function ok_test(url, mode, credentials, expected_type, expected_username) {
  promise_test(function() {
      return login_and_register.then(function(frame) {
            return frame_fetch(frame, url, mode, credentials)
        .then(function(res) {
            assert_equals(res.type, expected_type, 'response type');
            return res.text();
        .then(function(text) {
            if (expected_type == 'opaque') {
              assert_equals(text, '');
            } else {
              return new Promise(function(resolve) {
                    var report = resolve;
                    // text must contain report() call.
                .then(function(result) {
                    assert_equals(result.username, expected_username);
    }, 'fetching url:\"' + url + '\" mode:\"' + mode +
                        '\" credentials:\"' + credentials + '\" should ' +

function build_rewrite_url(origin, url, mode, credentials) {
  return origin + '/?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '&mode=' + mode +
      '&credentials=' + credentials + '&';

function for_each_origin_mode_credentials(callback) {
  [BASE_ORIGIN, OTHER_ORIGIN].forEach(function(origin) {
      ['same-origin', 'no-cors', 'cors'].forEach(function(mode) {
          ['omit', 'same-origin', 'include'].forEach(function(credentials) {
              callback(origin, mode, credentials);

ok_test(BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'omit', 'basic', 'undefined');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'same-origin', 'basic', 'username2s');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'include', 'basic', 'username2s');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'no-cors', 'omit', 'basic', 'undefined');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'no-cors', 'same-origin', 'basic', 'username2s');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'no-cors', 'include', 'basic', 'username2s');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'cors', 'omit', 'basic', 'undefined');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'cors', 'same-origin', 'basic', 'username2s');
ok_test(BASE_URL, 'cors', 'include', 'basic', 'username2s');
ng_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'omit');
ng_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'same-origin');
ng_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'include');
ok_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'no-cors', 'omit', 'opaque');
ok_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'no-cors', 'same-origin', 'opaque');
ok_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'no-cors', 'include', 'opaque');
ng_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'cors', 'omit');
ng_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'cors', 'same-origin');
ng_test(OTHER_BASE_URL, 'cors', 'include');
ok_test(OTHER_BASE_URL + 'ACAOrigin=*', 'cors', 'omit', 'cors', 'undefined');
ok_test(OTHER_BASE_URL + 'ACAOrigin=*', 'cors', 'same-origin', 'cors',
ng_test(OTHER_BASE_URL + 'ACAOrigin=*', 'cors', 'include');
ok_test(OTHER_BASE_URL + 'ACAOrigin=' + BASE_ORIGIN + '&ACACredentials=true',
        'cors', 'include', 'cors', 'username1s')

for_each_origin_mode_credentials(function(origin, mode, credentials) {
  var url = build_rewrite_url(
      origin, BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'omit');
  // Fetch to the other origin with same-origin mode should fail.
  if (origin == OTHER_ORIGIN && mode == 'same-origin') {
    ng_test(url, mode, credentials);
  } else {
    // The response type from the SW should be basic
    ok_test(url, mode, credentials, 'basic', 'undefined');

for_each_origin_mode_credentials(function(origin, mode, credentials) {
  var url = build_rewrite_url(
      origin, BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'same-origin');

  // Fetch to the other origin with same-origin mode should fail.
  if (origin == OTHER_ORIGIN && mode == 'same-origin') {
    ng_test(url, mode, credentials);
  } else {
    // The response type from the SW should be basic.
    ok_test(url, mode, credentials, 'basic', 'username2s');

for_each_origin_mode_credentials(function(origin, mode, credentials) {
  var url = build_rewrite_url(
      origin, OTHER_BASE_URL, 'same-origin', 'omit');
  // The response from the SW should be an error.
  ng_test(url, mode, credentials);

for_each_origin_mode_credentials(function(origin, mode, credentials) {
  var url = build_rewrite_url(
      origin, OTHER_BASE_URL, 'no-cors', 'omit');

  // SW can respond only to no-cors requests.
  if (mode != 'no-cors') {
    ng_test(url, mode, credentials);
  } else {
    // The response type from the SW should be opaque.
    ok_test(url, mode, credentials, 'opaque');

for_each_origin_mode_credentials(function(origin, mode, credentials) {
  var url = build_rewrite_url(
      origin, OTHER_BASE_URL + 'ACAOrigin=*', 'cors', 'omit');

  // Fetch to the other origin with same-origin mode should fail.
  if (origin == OTHER_ORIGIN && mode == 'same-origin') {
    ng_test(url, mode, credentials);
  } else if (origin == BASE_ORIGIN && mode == 'same-origin') {
    // Cors type response to a same-origin mode request should fail
    ng_test(url, mode, credentials);
  } else {
    // The response from the SW should be cors.
    ok_test(url, mode, credentials, 'cors', 'undefined');

for_each_origin_mode_credentials(function(origin, mode, credentials) {
  var url = build_rewrite_url(
      'cors', 'include');
  // Fetch to the other origin with same-origin mode should fail.
  if (origin == OTHER_ORIGIN && mode == 'same-origin') {
    ng_test(url, mode, credentials);
  } else if (origin == BASE_ORIGIN && mode == 'same-origin') {
    // Cors type response to a same-origin mode request should fail
    ng_test(url, mode, credentials);
  } else {
    // The response from the SW should be cors.
    ok_test(url, mode, credentials, 'cors', 'username1s');