
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: Fetch Event Waits for Activate Event</title>
<meta name=timeout content=long>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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const worker_url = 'resources/fetch-waits-for-activate-worker.js';
const normalized_worker_url = normalizeURL(worker_url);
const worker_scope = 'resources/fetch-waits-for-activate/';

// Resolves with the Service Worker's registration once it's reached the
// "activating" state. (The Service Worker should remain "activating" until
// explicitly told advance to the "activated" state).
async function registerAndWaitForActivating(t) {
  const registration = await service_worker_unregister_and_register(
      t, worker_url, worker_scope);
  t.add_cleanup(() => service_worker_unregister(t, worker_scope));

  await wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activating');

  return registration;

// Attempts to ensure that the "Handle Fetch" algorithm has reached the step
//   "If activeWorker’s state is "activating", wait for activeWorker’s state to
//    become "activated"."
// by waiting for some time to pass.
// WARNING: whether the algorithm has reached that step isn't directly
// observable, so this is best effort and can race. Note that this can only
// result in false positives (where the algorithm hasn't reached that step yet
// and any functional events haven't actually been handled by the Service
// Worker).
async function ensureFunctionalEventsAreWaiting(registration) {
  await (new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, 1000); }));

  assert_equals(, normalized_worker_url,
                'active worker should be present');
  assert_equals(, 'activating',
                'active worker should be in activating state');

promise_test(async t => {
  const registration = await registerAndWaitForActivating(t);

  let frame = null;
  t.add_cleanup(() => {
    if (frame) {

  // This should block until we message the worker to tell it to complete
  // the activate event.
  const frameLoadPromise = with_iframe(worker_scope).then(function(f) {
    frame = f;

  await ensureFunctionalEventsAreWaiting(registration);
  assert_equals(frame, null, 'frame should not be loaded');'ACTIVATE');

  await frameLoadPromise;
                'frame should now be loaded and controlled');
  assert_equals(, 'activated',
                'active worker should be in activated state');
}, 'Navigation fetch events should wait for the activate event to complete.');

promise_test(async t => {
  const frame = await with_iframe(worker_scope);
  t.add_cleanup(() => { frame.remove(); });

  const registration = await registerAndWaitForActivating(t);

  // Make the Service Worker control the frame so the frame can perform an
  // intercepted fetch.
  await (new Promise(resolve => {
    navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage = e => {
        normalized_worker_url, 'frame should be controlled');

  const fetch_url = `${worker_scope}non/existent/path`;
  const expected_fetch_result = 'Hello world';
  let fetch_promise_settled = false;

  // This should block until we message the worker to tell it to complete
  // the activate event.
  const fetchPromise = frame.contentWindow.fetch(fetch_url, {
    method: 'POST',
    body: expected_fetch_result,
  }).then(response => {
    fetch_promise_settled = true;
    return response;

  await ensureFunctionalEventsAreWaiting(registration);
               "fetch()-ing a Service Worker-controlled scope shouldn't have " +
               "settled yet");'ACTIVATE');

  const response = await fetchPromise;
  assert_equals(await response.text(), expected_fetch_result,
                "Service Worker should have responded to request to" +
  assert_equals(, 'activated',
                'active worker should be in activated state');
}, 'Subresource fetch events should wait for the activate event to complete.');
