
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>register()/getRegistration() URL parsing, with multiple globals in play</title>
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<!-- This is the entry global -->

<iframe src="incumbent/incumbent.https.html"></iframe>

'use strict';

const loadPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
    window.addEventListener('load', () => resolve());

promise_test(t => {
    let registration;

    return loadPromise.then(() => {
        return frames[0].testRegister();
    }).then(r => {
        registration = r;
        return wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
    }).then(_ => {
        assert_equals(, normalizeURL('relevant/test-sw.js'), 'the script URL should be parsed against the relevant global');
        assert_equals(registration.scope, normalizeURL('relevant/'), 'the default scope URL should be parsed against the parsed script URL');

        return registration.unregister();
}, 'register should use the relevant global of the object it was called on to resolve the script URL and the default scope URL');

promise_test(t => {
    let registration;

    return loadPromise.then(() => {
        return frames[0].testRegister({ scope: 'scope' });
    }).then(r => {
        registration = r;
        return wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
    }).then(_ => {
        assert_equals(, normalizeURL('relevant/test-sw.js'), 'the script URL should be parsed against the relevant global');
        assert_equals(registration.scope, normalizeURL('relevant/scope'), 'the given scope URL should be parsed against the relevant global');

        return registration.unregister();
}, 'register should use the relevant global of the object it was called on to resolve the script URL and the given scope URL');

promise_test(t => {
    let registration;

    return loadPromise.then(() => {
        return navigator.serviceWorker.register(normalizeURL('relevant/test-sw.js'));
    }).then(r => {
        registration = r;
        return frames[0].testGetRegistration();
    .then(gottenRegistration => {
        assert_not_equals(registration, null, 'the registration should not be null');
        assert_not_equals(gottenRegistration, null, 'the registration from the other frame should not be null');
        assert_equals(gottenRegistration.scope, registration.scope,
            'the retrieved registration\'s scope should be equal to the original\'s scope');

        return registration.unregister();
}, 'getRegistration should use the relevant global of the object it was called on to resolve the script URL');
