<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: Navigate a Window</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
var host_info = get_host_info();
var BASE_URL = host_info['HTTPS_ORIGIN'] + base_path();
function wait_for_message(msg) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
window.addEventListener('message', function onMsg(evt) {
if (evt.data.type === msg) {
function with_window(url) {
var win = window.open(url);
return wait_for_message('LOADED').then(_ => win);
function navigate_window(win, url) {
win.location = url;
return wait_for_message('LOADED').then(_ => win);
function reload_window(win) {
return wait_for_message('LOADED').then(_ => win);
function go_back(win) {
return wait_for_message('PAGESHOW').then(_ => win);
function go_forward(win) {
return wait_for_message('PAGESHOW').then(_ => win);
function get_clients(win, sw, opts) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
win.navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', function onMsg(evt) {
win.navigator.serviceWorker.removeEventListener('message', onMsg);
if (evt.data.type === 'success') {
} else {
sw.postMessage({ type: 'GET_CLIENTS', opts: (opts || {}) });
function compare_urls(a, b) {
return a.url < b.url ? -1 : b.url < a.url ? 1 : 0;
function validate_window(win, url, opts) {
return win.navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration(url)
.then(reg => {
// In order to compare service worker instances we need to
// make sure the DOM object is owned by the same global; the
// opened window in this case.
assert_equals(win.navigator.serviceWorker.controller, reg.active,
'window should be controlled by service worker');
return get_clients(win, reg.active, opts);
.then(resultList => {
// We should always see our controlled window.
var expected = [
{ url: url, frameType: 'auxiliary' }
// If we are including uncontrolled windows, then we might see the
// test window itself and the test harness.
if (opts.includeUncontrolled) {
expected.push({ url: BASE_URL + 'navigate-window.https.html',
frameType: 'auxiliary' });
url: host_info['HTTPS_ORIGIN'] + '/testharness_runner.html',
frameType: 'top-level' });
assert_equals(resultList.length, expected.length,
'expected number of clients');
for (var i = 0; i < resultList.length; ++i) {
assert_equals(resultList[i].url, expected[i].url,
'client should have expected url');
assert_equals(resultList[i].frameType, expected[i].frameType,
'client should have expected frame type');
return win;
promise_test(function(t) {
var worker = BASE_URL + 'resources/navigate-window-worker.js';
var scope = BASE_URL + 'resources/loaded.html?navigate-window-controlled';
var url1 = scope + '&q=1';
var url2 = scope + '&q=2';
return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, worker, scope)
.then(reg => wait_for_state(t, reg.installing, 'activated') )
.then(___ => with_window(url1))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url1, { includeUncontrolled: false }))
.then(win => navigate_window(win, url2))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url2, { includeUncontrolled: false }))
.then(win => go_back(win))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url1, { includeUncontrolled: false }))
.then(win => go_forward(win))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url2, { includeUncontrolled: false }))
.then(win => reload_window(win))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url2, { includeUncontrolled: false }))
.then(win => win.close())
.then(___ => service_worker_unregister(t, scope))
}, 'Clients.matchAll() should not show an old window as controlled after ' +
'it navigates.');
promise_test(function(t) {
var worker = BASE_URL + 'resources/navigate-window-worker.js';
var scope = BASE_URL + 'resources/loaded.html?navigate-window-uncontrolled';
var url1 = scope + '&q=1';
var url2 = scope + '&q=2';
return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, worker, scope)
.then(reg => wait_for_state(t, reg.installing, 'activated') )
.then(___ => with_window(url1))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url1, { includeUncontrolled: true }))
.then(win => navigate_window(win, url2))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url2, { includeUncontrolled: true }))
.then(win => go_back(win))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url1, { includeUncontrolled: true }))
.then(win => go_forward(win))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url2, { includeUncontrolled: true }))
.then(win => reload_window(win))
.then(win => validate_window(win, url2, { includeUncontrolled: true }))
.then(win => win.close())
.then(___ => service_worker_unregister(t, scope))
}, 'Clients.matchAll() should not show an old window after it navigates.');