
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Navigation Preload for same site iframe</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>

const SAME_SITE = get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN;
const RESOURCES_DIR = "/service-workers/service-worker/navigation-preload/resources/";

 * This test is used for testing the NavigationPreload works in a same site iframe.
 * The test scenario is
 * 1. Create a same site iframe to register service worker and wait for it be activated
 * 2. Create a same site iframe which be intercepted by the service worker.
 * 3. Once the iframe is loaded, service worker should set the page through the preload response.
 *    And checking if the iframe's body content is expected.
 * 4. Unregister the service worker.
 * 5. remove created iframes.

promise_test(async (t) => {
    let resolver;
    let checkValue = false;
    window.onmessage = (e) => {
      if (checkValue) {
        assert_equals(, "samesite");
        checkValue = false;

    let helperIframe = document.createElement("iframe");
    helperIframe.src = SAME_SITE + RESOURCES_DIR + "samesite-sw-helper.html";

    await new Promise(resolve => {
      resolver = resolve;
      helperIframe.onload = async () => {
        helperIframe.contentWindow.postMessage("Register", '*');

    let sameSiteIframe = document.createElement("iframe");
    sameSiteIframe.src = SAME_SITE + RESOURCES_DIR + "samesite-iframe.html";
    await new Promise(resolve => {
      resolver = resolve;
      sameSiteIframe.onload = async() => {
        checkValue = true;
        sameSiteIframe.contentWindow.postMessage("GetBody", '*')

    await new Promise(resolve => {
      resolver = resolve;
      helperIframe.contentWindow.postMessage("Unregister", '*')

