import json
import os
from base64 import decodebytes
from wptserve.utils import isomorphic_decode, isomorphic_encode
def main(request, response):
headers = []
headers.append((b'X-ServiceWorker-ServerHeader', b'SetInTheServer'))
if b"ACAOrigin" in request.GET:
for item in request.GET[b"ACAOrigin"].split(b","):
headers.append((b"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", item))
for suffix in [b"Headers", b"Methods", b"Credentials"]:
query = b"ACA%s" % suffix
header = b"Access-Control-Allow-%s" % suffix
if query in request.GET:
headers.append((header, request.GET[query]))
if b"ACEHeaders" in request.GET:
headers.append((b"Access-Control-Expose-Headers", request.GET[b"ACEHeaders"]))
if (b"Auth" in request.GET and not request.auth.username) or b"AuthFail" in request.GET:
status = 401
headers.append((b'WWW-Authenticate', b'Basic realm="Restricted"'))
body = b'Authentication canceled'
return status, headers, body
if b"PNGIMAGE" in request.GET:
headers.append((b"Content-Type", b"image/png"))
return headers, body
if b"VIDEO" in request.GET:
if b"mp4" in request.GET:
headers.append((b"Content-Type", b"video/mp4"))
body = open(os.path.join(request.doc_root, u"media", u"movie_5.mp4"), "rb").read()
headers.append((b"Content-Type", b"video/webm"))
body = open(os.path.join(request.doc_root, u"media", u"movie_5.webm"), "rb").read()
length = len(body)
# If "PartialContent" is specified, the requestor wants to test range
# requests. For the initial request, respond with "206 Partial Content"
# and don't send the entire content. Then expect subsequent requests to
# have a "Range" header with a byte range. Respond with that range.
if b"PartialContent" in request.GET:
if length < 1:
return 500, headers, b"file is too small for range requests"
start = 0
end = length - 1
if b"Range" in request.headers:
range_header = request.headers[b"Range"]
prefix = b"bytes="
split_header = range_header[len(prefix):].split(b"-")
# The first request might be "bytes=0-". We want to force a range
# request, so just return the first byte.
if split_header[0] == b"0" and split_header[1] == b"":
end = start
# Otherwise, it is a range request. Respect the values sent.
if split_header[0] != b"":
start = int(split_header[0])
if split_header[1] != b"":
end = int(split_header[1])
# The request doesn't have a range. Force a range request by
# returning the first byte.
end = start
headers.append((b"Accept-Ranges", b"bytes"))
headers.append((b"Content-Length", isomorphic_encode(str(end -start + 1))))
headers.append((b"Content-Range", b"bytes %d-%d/%d" % (start, end, length)))
chunk = body[start:(end + 1)]
return 206, headers, chunk
return headers, body
username = request.auth.username if request.auth.username else b"undefined"
password = request.auth.password if request.auth.username else b"undefined"
cookie = request.cookies[b'cookie'].value if b'cookie' in request.cookies else b"undefined"
files = []
for key, values in request.POST.items():
assert len(values) == 1
value = values[0]
if not hasattr(value, u"file"):
data =
files.append({u"key": isomorphic_decode(key),
u"type": value.type,
u"error": 0, #TODO,
u"size": len(data),
u"content": data})
get_data = {isomorphic_decode(key):isomorphic_decode(request.GET[key]) for key, value in request.GET.items()}
post_data = {isomorphic_decode(key):isomorphic_decode(request.POST[key]) for key, value in request.POST.items()
if not hasattr(request.POST[key], u"file")}
headers_data = {isomorphic_decode(key):isomorphic_decode(request.headers[key]) for key, value in request.headers.items()}
data = {u"jsonpResult": u"success",
u"method": request.method,
u"headers": headers_data,
u"body": isomorphic_decode(request.body),
u"files": files,
u"GET": get_data,
u"POST": post_data,
u"username": isomorphic_decode(username),
u"password": isomorphic_decode(password),
u"cookie": isomorphic_decode(cookie)}
return headers, u"report( %s )" % json.dumps(data)