let source;
let resolveDone;
let done = new Promise(resolve => resolveDone = resolve);
// The page messages this worker to ask for the result. Keep the worker alive
// via waitUntil() until the result is sent.
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
source = event.data.port;
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const url = new URL(event.request.url);
// For the CSS file, respond in a way that may change the response URL,
// depending on |url.search|.
const cssPath = 'request-url-path/fetch-request-css-base-url-style.css';
if (url.pathname.indexOf(cssPath) != -1) {
// Respond with a different URL, deleting "request-url-path/".
if (url.search == '?fetch') {
// Respond with new Response().
else if (url.search == '?newResponse') {
const styleString = 'body { background-image: url("./sample.png");}';
const headers = {'content-type': 'text/css'};
event.respondWith(new Response(styleString, headers));
// The image request indicates what the base URL of the CSS was. Message the
// result back to the test page.
else if (url.pathname.indexOf('sample.png') != -1) {
// For some reason |source| is undefined here when running the test manually
// in Firefox. The test author experimented with both using Client
// (event.source) and MessagePort to try to get the test to pass, but
// failed.
url: event.request.url,
referrer: event.request.referrer