<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: Innermost nested iframe for partitioned service workers</title>
<script src="./test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="./partitioned-utils.js"></script>
Innermost 1p iframe (A2) with 3p ancestor (A1-B-A2-A3): this iframe will
register a service worker when it loads and then add its own iframe (A3) that
will attempt to navigate to a url. ServiceWorker will intercept this navigation
and resolve the ServiceWorker's internal Promise. When
ThirdPartyStoragePartitioning is enabled, this iframe should be partitioned
from the main frame and should not share a ServiceWorker.
async function onLoad() {
// Set-up the ServiceWorker for this iframe, defined in:
// service-workers/service-worker/resources/partitioned-utils.js
await setupServiceWorker();
// When the SW's iframe finishes it'll post a message. This forwards
// it up to the middle-iframe.
self.addEventListener('message', evt => {
window.parent.postMessage(evt.data, '*');
// Now that we have set up the ServiceWorker, we need it to
// intercept a navigation that will resolve its promise.
// To do this, we create an additional iframe to send that
// navigation request to resolve (`resolve.fakehtml`). If we're
// partitioned then there shouldn't be a promise to resolve. Defined
// in: service-workers/service-worker/resources/partitioned-storage-sw.js
const resolve_frame_url = new URL('./partitioned-resolve.fakehtml?FromNestedFrame', self.location);
const frame_resolve = await new Promise(resolve => {
var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.src = resolve_frame_url;
frame.onload = function() { resolve(frame); };
self.addEventListener('load', onLoad);