* testharness-helpers contains various useful extensions to testharness.js to
* allow them to be used across multiple tests before they have been
* upstreamed. This file is intended to be usable from both document and worker
* environments, so code should for example not rely on the DOM.
// Asserts that two objects |actual| and |expected| are weakly equal under the
// following definition:
// |a| and |b| are weakly equal if any of the following are true:
// 1. If |a| is not an 'object', and |a| === |b|.
// 2. If |a| is an 'object', and all of the following are true:
// 2.1 |a.p| is weakly equal to |b.p| for all own properties |p| of |a|.
// 2.2 Every own property of |b| is an own property of |a|.
// This is a replacement for the the version of assert_object_equals() in
// testharness.js. The latter doesn't handle own properties correctly. I.e. if
// |a.p| is not an own property, it still requires that |b.p| be an own
// property.
// Note that |actual| must not contain cyclic references.
self.assert_object_equals = function(actual, expected, description) {
var object_stack = [];
function _is_equal(actual, expected, prefix) {
if (typeof actual !== 'object') {
assert_equals(actual, expected, prefix);
assert_equals(typeof expected, 'object', prefix);
assert_equals(object_stack.indexOf(actual), -1,
prefix + ' must not contain cyclic references.');
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expected).forEach(function(property) {
assert_own_property(actual, property, prefix);
_is_equal(actual[property], expected[property],
prefix + '.' + property);
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(actual).forEach(function(property) {
assert_own_property(expected, property, prefix);
function _brand(object) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(object).match(/^\[object (.*)\]$/)[1];
_is_equal(actual, expected,
(description ? description + ': ' : '') + _brand(expected));
// Equivalent to assert_in_array, but uses a weaker equivalence relation
// (assert_object_equals) than '==='.
function assert_object_in_array(actual, expected_array, description) {
assert_true(expected_array.some(function(element) {
try {
assert_object_equals(actual, element);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}), description);
// Assert that the two arrays |actual| and |expected| contain the same set of
// elements as determined by assert_object_equals. The order is not significant.
// |expected| is assumed to not contain any duplicates as determined by
// assert_object_equals().
function assert_array_equivalent(actual, expected, description) {
assert_true(Array.isArray(actual), description);
assert_equals(actual.length, expected.length, description);
expected.forEach(function(expected_element) {
// assert_in_array treats the first argument as being 'actual', and the
// second as being 'expected array'. We are switching them around because
// we want to be resilient against the |actual| array containing
// duplicates.
assert_object_in_array(expected_element, actual, description);
// Asserts that two arrays |actual| and |expected| contain the same set of
// elements as determined by assert_object_equals(). The corresponding elements
// must occupy corresponding indices in their respective arrays.
function assert_array_objects_equals(actual, expected, description) {
assert_true(Array.isArray(actual), description);
assert_equals(actual.length, expected.length, description);
actual.forEach(function(value, index) {
assert_object_equals(value, expected[index],
description + ' : object[' + index + ']');
// Asserts that |object| that is an instance of some interface has the attribute
// |attribute_name| following the conditions specified by WebIDL, but it's
// acceptable that the attribute |attribute_name| is an own property of the
// object because we're in the middle of moving the attribute to a prototype
// chain. Once we complete the transition to prototype chains,
// assert_will_be_idl_attribute must be replaced with assert_idl_attribute
// defined in testharness.js.
// FIXME: Remove assert_will_be_idl_attribute once we complete the transition
// of moving the DOM attributes to prototype chains. (http://crbug.com/43394)
function assert_will_be_idl_attribute(object, attribute_name, description) {
assert_equals(typeof object, "object", description);
assert_true("hasOwnProperty" in object, description);
// Do not test if |attribute_name| is not an own property because
// |attribute_name| is in the middle of the transition to a prototype
// chain. (http://crbug.com/43394)
assert_true(attribute_name in object, description);
// Stringifies a DOM object. This function stringifies not only own properties
// but also DOM attributes which are on a prototype chain. Note that
// JSON.stringify only stringifies own properties.
function stringifyDOMObject(object)
function deepCopy(src) {
if (typeof src != "object")
return src;
var dst = Array.isArray(src) ? [] : {};
for (var property in src) {
dst[property] = deepCopy(src[property]);
return dst;
return JSON.stringify(deepCopy(object));