<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
Static Router: simply skip fetch handler for main resource if pattern matches
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
<script src="resources/static-router-helpers.sub.js"></script>
const ROUTER_RULE_KEY = 'condition-urlpattern-constructed-source-network';
const ROUTER_RULE_NOT_KEY = 'condition-urlpattern-not-source-network';
const ROUTER_RULE_KEY_REQUEST_CACHE = 'condition-request-navigate-source-cache';
const REGISTERED_ROUTE = 'resources/direct.txt';
const CACHED_ROUTE = 'resources/cache.txt';
const NON_REGISTERED_ROUTE = 'resources/simple.html';
const NOT_ROUTE = 'resources/not.txt';
const host_info = get_host_info();
const path = new URL(".", window.location).pathname;
iframeTest(REGISTERED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_KEY, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 0);
assert_equals(iwin.document.body.innerText, "Network\n");
}, 'Main resource load matched with the condition');
iframeTest(REGISTERED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_KEY_IGNORE_CASE, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 0);
assert_equals(iwin.document.body.innerText, "Network\n");
}, 'Main resource load matched with the ignore case condition');
iframeTest(REGISTERED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_KEY_RESPECT_CASE, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 1);
}, 'Main resource load matched without the ignore case condition');
iframeTest(NON_REGISTERED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_KEY, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 1);
assert_equals(requests[0].mode, 'navigate');
}, 'Main resource load not matched with the condition');
iframeTest(CACHED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_KEY_URLPATTERN_CACHE, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 0);
assert_equals(iwin.document.body.innerText, "From cache");
}, 'Main resource load matched with the cache source');
iframeTest(NON_REGISTERED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_KEY_REQUEST_CACHE, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
// When the request matched to the rule with the "cache" source but failed to
// get the cache entry, the fetch handler is not involved and the network
// fallback is triggered instead.
assert_equals(requests.length, 0);
assert_equals(iwin.document.body.innerText, "Here's a simple html file.");
}, 'Main resource fallback to the network when there is no cache entry');
iframeTest(CACHED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_KEY_URLPATTERN_CACHE_WITH_NAME, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 0);
assert_equals(iwin.document.body.innerText, "From cache");
}, 'Main resource load matched with the cache source, with specifying the cache name');
iframeTest(NOT_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_NOT_KEY, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 1);
assert_equals(requests[0].mode, 'navigate');
}, 'Main resource load should not match the condition with not');
iframeTest(REGISTERED_ROUTE, ROUTER_RULE_NOT_KEY, async (t, iwin, worker) => {
const {requests} = await get_info_from_worker(worker);
assert_equals(requests.length, 0);
assert_equals(iwin.document.body.innerText, "Network\n");
}, 'Main resource load should match the condition without not');